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Medieval Kingmaker Alpha 1

A Medieval KOTH map involving a buff-giving throne!

Medieval mode really needs a bit more love, so I figured why not make a small KOTH map with a royal twist?

Every 60 to 90 seconds after the point is first captured, the doors to the throne room will open, and everyone needs to make a mad dash to the throne! For it is stated in the late king's will: He who is first to be seated upon my throne shall inherit my power and be declared King of the Battlefield!

Upon sitting on this throne, you'll be buffed with all three of Soldier's backpack buffs: The mini-crits of a Buff Banner, the defensive resilience of a Battalion's Backup, and the speed and health-on-kill of a Concheror!


The hill will lock up upon the throne room doors opening! Listen for the bagpipes!



Additional views of the Castle Courtyard


The Hall of the Red Phoenix


The Hall of the Blue Dragon


Full overview of the map. Rather small, but considering most players are restricted to melee and will be piled on the control point, I felt adding too much else would just leave some areas completely unused.

Known issues:
  • Upon first spawning in, there might be half a second of a "Hall-Of-Mirrors" effect happening on the floor. I'm not entirely sure what caused that, as the map is properly sealed and lit.
  • Sometimes, the throne room doors will open without the bagpipes playing. I'm also not sure what causes that... perhaps a local sound cache or something being overfilled? It usually happened during my bot-tests when all the bots were piled on the point.
  • I also need to add a pointer of some kind leading to the throne, but I don't know how to make an arrow sprite draw on the HUD directing players to the throne.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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