Jungle Airfield

Jungle Airfield version a6d

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Jungle Airfield version a6d

A gravel pit style A/D map created for the stack the deck contest

created for the stack the deck contest
gamplay cards:
#5 reds spawn never changes or moves
#7 point B is in a 512x512 room
#8 Gravelpit style with 3 objectives
#15 point A is set in a hangar with airplanes for cover on the point

Detailing cards:
#3 it's raining
#5 a plane with its prop rotating can be heard making engine noises
P53 Enfield
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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Latest updates

  1. a6d

    -added a high ground spawn exit for blu
  2. a6c

    quick update -reverted some changes to A -added a new walkway from the caves flank to the catwalk on A -walled off the back of B -moved metal fence on the front of B to the other side -adjusted spawn times again
  3. a6b

    Of course I made the largest change to the map yet when hammer++ was down -increases point capture time, A, B and C -Increased blu spawn time when attacking last -Disabled blu's forward spawn (maybe only for a single test, we'll see how it goes)...