
HotBox koth_hotbox_a8

So, it's been a while since I posted any updates, especially on this map. However, I feel like what I'v done has made it a lot better since it started. Hopefully, you'll feel the same.

- New and improved railings, which should give a little cover fire and prevent falling into the lava pit as much.
- Added some stalagmites and stalactites on the cap point and ceiling.
- Removed some walkways in battlements.
- Shuffled around the health packs.
- Completely new and simplified stairways. Have a couple of hiding spots.
- Spawn point moved to middle of new stairways. It was too easy to simply duck back into spawn, resupply and head back to battlements before. Added a small barrier in front of spawn door, though may remove said barrier in future update.


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- Overall revamp of lighting in middle battlement and hallways. Added light fixtures and appropriate lighting.
- Slightly brightened lava lighting.
- Slight tweaking of stairwells.
Nothing major, just some slight changes:

- Opened up roof of map and added skybox, adding some (hopefully) improved lighting.
- Fixed a slight error with Blu's outer stairwell.
- Remade observer points.
Due to a major screw-up on my part, I had to scrap the previous version of the map and completely remake it. I think, however, it may wind up better in the long run. Anywho...

- New overall layout
- Slightly improved lighting
- Rails replace cover panels on upper ring and mid-platform
- ramps leading from lava pits widened
- lava now uses trigger_ignite
- Connected the upper ledges to form outer ring
- Scrapped lower platforms and put in walkways towards middle level
- Put in new platforms and walkways for molten pit
- Adjusted health packs
- Added another supply cabinet to stairway in both respawn rooms
- Fixed a trigger poking out that allowed switching classes when outside of red spawn room
- Slightly widened slanted walkways leading out of pit
- Added two observer points that show two opposite angles of map's center
- Added a cubemap to fix reflection on cap point