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Highsea A6

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Highsea A6

A roaming-point KOTH map set on a quaint little pirate island. Beware the Kraken!

Avast, ye scalleywags! Plunder the high seas, and beware the monsters of the deep!
Created for 2021's Microcontest 19: Dynamic Asymmetric KOTH, this map made it out a little late to the punch, but makes up for it with a punch of PURE! PIRATE! ACTION! Don't let the "KOTH" fool you: Highsea takes place on a sprawling island with three main areas: the Port, the Docks, and the Cove. Every so often, the dangerous Kraken, doom of the seas, will feel out one of the areas with a slimy tentacle... and take the point with it! Owning just one zone won't be enough to maintain your hold on the point; you'll have to traverse the island, following the Kraken wherever it decides to take the point next.
Oh, and did I mention that each team owns a pirate ship that circumnavigates the entire island? Well, there's that. So get out there, ye landlubbers! Lest ye be scrubbin' the decks til last light!
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Now With Higher Seas!

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