Hailstone Halls

Hailstone Halls rc1h

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Hailstone Halls rc1h

No, you can't have some more, eat this!

A great thanks to @Muddy for letting me do this retheme.

Two new themes, in the same map?!


Have you ever felt like crashing a party? How about with a couple tons of TNT? Now you can! No matter which jolly ol' side you're from, tis the season to sieze the reason (for violence). A wintry take on the Arena-PLR version of @Muddy 's Tinyrock! You thought you'd only get one Hailstone Hall for Smissmas, but you get TWO -- take your pick between RED's dome and BLU's giant tree! And a free dip in a fresh canal, it's a great place to freeze!

This took a lot of grinding and wrastling with source, but nothing more than usual, honestly. The scope of the content packed in... everything was struggling on this clearly-aging machine. Despite that, I managed to create TWO new themes (-- expect content packs later. After I have caught up on... tabulating... about 17.5 hours of sleep. But still, I enjoyed making this. Enjoy!

Please, let us have a peaceful season.

Map Credits
Muddy : Original layout of Tiny Rock
Floats: VScript Arena PLR gamemode from Tiny Rock
Pdan4 : Architecture + tree model + dome displacement work + textures + snow + soundscape + particles
Soho, Watergate assetmakers, EOTL assetmakers, Frontline assetmakers: Models + textures

Please, let us have a peaceful season.
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