
Excavation v2 a4

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Dooby McGroovy
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. yup

    Again, changed a lot of stuff, plus I wasn't home for like a week so i forgot most of the stuff I did move Greg though
  2. Biggest update yet

    I genuinely forgot the majority of what I changed, here's what I remember -Changed the pipes in the 2nd coreyard with a bridge -Added a window on the battlements -Completely revamped the flank in mid -Added a way to access the flank of the...
  3. hell yea

    Updates: -MID -Added a Flank (Yes, I forgot to add one) -Added a roof on top of the battlements to prevent spam and other stuff -Changed the rocks to metal barriers to maximize space -Added a "roof" to the sewer entrance -Replaced some...