
Discovery rc2

Changes from rc1:
- Changed the custom .mp3 files to .wav, this does increase the filesize by 4mb, but I was having semi-consistent .mp3 decoding issues previously (sometimes the sounds didn't play).
- The knockout powerup movement speed bonus has been changed from +33% to +500%. In tests it showed that while the move speed bonus was headed in a good direction, it wasn't extreme enough to be useful. Now it should be, and also a bit goofier which is fun.
- Added in some small sightline blocking fences to mid. These don't break the major sightlines in the map but they do help you feel safer walking around in the middle area, which is important when there are a lot of things happening there.
- Made the screen shake that plays on 'special powerup round' less subtle. Should better represent the idea it's a special round. It's kinda a subtle change but it seems to help.
- Adjusted some clipping.
- Adjusted some textures.
- Adjusted some prop fade distances.


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- Redecorated for Mayann.
- Added a new jump route from mid cliff crates to top of stairs.
- Added a small perch point near top of mid structures.
- Added a 1/3 per round chance that a knockout powerup will spawn on top of the head at mid.
- Made waterfall noises desynced so they don't collide.
- Improved optimisation across the map.