
Death_Hill A12

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Death_Hill A12

Side of a hill (now known as DEATH HILL)

My first map uploaded here! B-)

Very crusty 1 stage 2CP A/D map with some elevation. Enjoy!

If the map ever grows up to be any good, I want the setting to be some arid place in north-east Brazil.
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

More downloads from robopan

Latest updates

  1. Death_Hill A12

    Completely reworked the back flank on last, reworked a mid building and other stuff, fixed stuff here and there. Starting to look forward to an artpass.
  2. Death_Hill A11

    Reworked the flank building on A so that it doesnt completely bypass the first point, made the saw work (i think) and some other stuff idk
  3. Death_Hill A10

    Did (very bad) displacement work, added a forward spawn for BLU after capping A, remade completely the building between A and B. In general, tried to buff BLU.