
Coralrock a2

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Coralrock a2

PD map set inside a submarine base

Made for the 72 Hour Jam.

Coralrock is a reimagining of a older failed project with PD called reef made a few years back. Set in a submarine base where you must deposit a item (currently frogs) into a roaming submarine that goes down mid.

Birchly - Layout

Elizabeth - Layout/Game logic

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First release
Last update
Previous 72hr Entries

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More downloads from Elizabeth

Latest updates

  1. The one that reworked back-mid

    - Reworked the backlot of mid - Submarine now properly exits the play space before warping out. - Increased the submarine cap zone size to allow for more leway - Added clipping to some doorways around back mid to avoid getting caught. - Removed...
  2. The one that actually packs the map

    - Map is now packed after it somehow missed the step prior.
  3. The one about a missing clip brush

    - Fixed missing clipping brush on sub entrance that enabled an out of bounds exploit - Cleaned up brushes in transition connector.