Quick edit to cut down on some space between A and B and change it to 2 cp for testing B.
Alpha 5b
Major Changes:
  • Increased cover coming out of attacker's first spawn, significantly nerfing a strong sightline from a box near A.
  • Defender's overlook on B has been adjusted. Half of the overlook is now a balcony, and most of the arches are gone.
  • Defender's shortcut to A has had its ledge shortened and cover adjusted to hopefully encourage walking towards the point more.
  • Converted some brushes to displacements, notably at attacker's first spawn and the bottom level of C.
  • The walkway from main choke of C is now gone, the ramp to the walkway from the shipping container has been moved to the other side and rotated, ramp up to the point on the Blu side has been removed and on the red side has been widened.
Minor changes:
  • Adjusted spawn waves:
    A - 8 Red, 3 Blu
    B - 6 Red, 3 Blu
    C - 5 Red, 3 Blu
  • Changed some waist height cover to fences to reduce effectiveness of some sentry spots.
  • Slightly adjusted a wall at A to allow an angle to spam a sentry in the building.
  • Removed the walkway directly leading to the attackers' lobby at B, increasing walk times to it slightly.
  • Increased time to cap for B to 9 (was 6)
  • Moved the full ammo at B down a level below where it was before.
  • The health & ammo pickups behind B have been moved to the flank, which is blocked off before B is captured.
  • Moved the small healthkit on the container at C to the bottom level just beside it.
  • Increased signage, and added some pop-up signs to block wrong routes to B


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Alpha A5
Big changes all over.

Major Changes:
Point A:
  • Cut out some space between spawn and the point, moved the setup gates forward.
  • Removed the one-way in the building, removed the ledge flanking the statue, added a railing to prevent defenders from jumping directly onto the roof.
  • Changed lower building on defender's side: Removed entrances closest to point, and added a stairwell up to the top half.
  • The far ramp leading to the round building is gone. The stall up against it now has a bridge across to the roof/second story of the former one-way building.
A/B Connector:
  • Cut out a large chunk of unnecessary space, merging two existing areas into one in the process.
  • It's a good bit more open now, and long flank is less out of the way due to not being funneled to the left.
  • Moved defender's shortcut to A forward and onto a one-way ledge.
Point B:
  • Reworked to be a much more traditional type of point.
  • Point has been moved towards the back of the area next to a now full stretch of highground.
  • Removed the overpass directly connecting attacker's lobby and defender's overlook.
  • Made the wide flank enter the area a bit deeper, just past lobby. Where it used to connect is now a window.
  • Added a lower room to red's overlook, able to be entered from ground level.
  • Red no longer has a direct exit towards B; instead they must go past C.
  • More of attacker's side is on the same level as the point, and the ramps up are wider.
B/C Connector/Point C:
  • Entirely new, with a spire point.
Minor changes:
  • Adjusted spawn waves:
    A - 7 Red, 3 Blu
    B - 6 Red, 3 Blu
    C - 7 Red, 3 Blu
  • Changed the medium healthkit in the many-arched room before A to a small, added a medium + ammo on the roof.
  • Far ramp leading to the curved building has been removed, and in its place there's a medium ammo.
  • A ramp has been added to the box with a ramp up to the roof.
  • Changed the small healthkit outside the main entrance to B to a medium.
  • Moved defender's health pickup in overlook back, and ammo even further back.
  • Removed the upper spawn exit from attacker's forward spawn.
  • Small ammo in the room below B's defender outlook.
  • Added a ledge below the high window before B, above where the roof of the overpass used to be.
Alpha 4
Major Changes:
  • B/C Connector replaced with something much more open and hopefully something that feels better to navigate and fight in.
  • Entrances into C point have been adjusted to focus combat more, and hopefully give each individual entrance a bit more to work with.
  • Blu's first spawn and ground level outside it has been raised up, and has been moved closer to cut out unused space.
  • The building with the one-way between Blu spawn and A has been adjusted, giving red standing there more threat over spawns at the start of the round and changing angles of attack into the room.
  • Made efforts towards making A less restrictive, there's now a flank leading underneath and to behind the point, doubledoors are removed, with a ramp added up to the walkway behind where they were.
Minor changes:
  • Adjusted spawn waves:
    A - 7 Red, 3 Blu
    B - 9 Red, 3 Blu
    C - 9 Red, 2 Blu
  • Added ammo around in spy locations/routes to help them exist better.
  • Adjusted Blu forward spawn to have a front-facing ground level primary exit.
  • Moved Red's door towards B to make it visually equal with A's coming out of spawn, and provide slightly better angles coming out.
  • Removed the nobuild in the courtyard extension of red spawn, but kept blockers for Blu, gravelpit style.
  • Changed the wide flank into B to come out slightly deeper into B
  • Added a building in the A/B connector to block sightlines and make it a bit easier for Red to retreat after losing the point.
  • Dead players on Red now instantly respawn when a point is captured to try to slow rolls.
  • Closed the pointless one-way drop into the water leading to C.
  • Added a couple small bits of wall to block some sightlines around A
Alpha 3b
Major Changes:
  • Added a ramp to C's point and adjusted cover around it.
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Minor changes:
  • Adjusted spawn waves:
    A - 7 Red, 3 Blu
    B - 11 Red, 3 Blu
    C - 10 Red, 2 Blu
  • Changed a small healthkit around C to medium, and added a small near the point.
  • Point C caps faster.
  • Added some more signage around.
  • Fixed some visual bugs.
  • Setup time from 1:00 to 1:20
Alpha 3
Major Changes:
  • A/B Connector is gone. Vanished. Didn't work well and was confusing to navigate.
  • Red spawn has been replaced, Hopefully this version is a bit more intuitive. Courtyard is currently red-only like gravelpit's blue spawn. Red spawn now has exits towards all 3 points.
  • Majorly changed point C. Much more open, blu routes are more accessible, red spawn and the point are both further back.
  • Added a wide flank into the lobby before point B.
Minor changes:
  • Adjusted spawn waves:
    A - 7 Red, 3 Blu
    B - 11 Red, 3 Blu
    C - 9 Red, 3 Blu
  • Changed some small healthkits around B to medium.
  • Removed the underpass under B
  • Changed up the area after B to try to facilitate a forward hold without spamming the entrance to the house.
  • Adjusted geometry leading to the alt route through the building at A to encourage more usage of it
  • Upgraded the pickups in the above mentioned spot and moved them to the outside of the building.