Bumper Car Prefab

Bumper Car Prefab 2015-08-30

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Bumper Car Prefab 2015-08-30

Made by Barracuda


A more sophisticated bumper car entity system.
  • Players spawn immediately in bumper cars and are frozen for three seconds on start of a new round.
  • Includes boosters and spells.
  • All models and sounds are preloaded and available.
  • Players can kill each other and respawn after being killed.
  • Players that manage to escape the cart condition in the playing area are killed by a watchdog trigger.
  • Doesn't use minigame entities.
  • Comes with KOTH example logic, but the setup should work with most other game modes as well.

Known bugs:
  • Players are sometimes detached from their bumper cars after the end of the warmup phase. This has no effect on the gameplay.
  • The player yaw rotation is preserved after death, so the spawn area should have driveways for all directions.
  • The capture point HUD is partially hidden. Timers are still visible.

Released into public domain. Do whatever you wish to do with these files.
First release
Last update