
Brawl A4

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Brawl A4

First map!

My first actual project on hammer! Hope you enjoy it!
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

More downloads from dice191

Latest updates

  1. Big Gameplay Overhaul!

    •Remade the entire Spawn Room •Replaced the old routes with new and easier to learn ones •You can now walk on the roof of the building on the right flank •Messed around with Pickups on the map •Added new arrows that will guide you to the point...
  2. Improved Routing

    •Removed a flank route on the right and replaced it with a less complicated and more easy to access flank •Added arrows pointing to the routes that get you to the point •Removed the door to get to the silo balconies and placed it somewhere else...
  3. Big Revamp!

    •Revamped the entire map by adding new routes to get to the point •Fixed some sniper sight lines •Replaced the CP house with a giant silo •Improved the HDR so it doesn't burn your eyes •Revamped the clipping •Changed the pick-ups placement •And...