
4Pillar a6

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4Pillar a6

It has four pillars, hence the name.

my second first map. It is a symmetrical (rotational) mirrored KOTH map.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. A6, the snipering

    A6 changelog -adjusted a logpile prop that did not mirror the layout properly -made DM room less big -closed off the under area of the DM highground -removed fences from DM highground -added some wood piles into DM room to give more variation in...
  2. A5a: the naturing

    -altered geometry to better fit a displacement ground -turned top of mid into a displacement to give it a nicer texture -adjusted some props to better fit the displacement ground -replaced some dev textures -added a functional soundscape
  3. A5 Changelog

    -raised walls on mid to help counter sentry and sniper sightlines -fixed snipers being able to easily walk on top of rampart walls and gain an unfair sightline over the entirety of mid -adjusted rampart heights in an attempt to make them less...