TF2Maps Mafia


Jul 31, 2009
TF2Maps's First Mafia!

Stage: Night 3 - Night Actions!!

I can be contacted via PM's on this forum if need be.

Welcome to TF2maps's first mafia.

Mafia is a game of stratergy. If you are unaware of how to play mafia, it is quite similar to Trouble in Terrorist town, the Gmod gametype. if you are unaware of how that works, read up here: Clicking is good for your soul!

To sign up, simply reply to this thread with some indication you wish to play. Signups will last a few days or until we get too many/enough players, whichever the case requires.
Once the game starts, I will send a PM to all those involved with their respective roles and what such role entails, along with any special things needed.

Player List:
  • Dark
  • UrbanWulf
  • Muffin
  • Oakrag
  • DaBeatz
  • Owlruler
  • TheBladeRoden
  • Nerdboy
  • Rikka
  • Grim Tuesday

  • Numerous - Town
  • Icarus - Town
  • Sniprpenguin - Town
  • Terwonik - Town

The Rules and Guidelines:
  • Follow the forum rules, duh.
  • Do not edit your posts - double post if necessary. Trust me, it works better this way. So be sure that what you're posting is what you want!
  • Do not reveal any information after your character has died.
  • Do not quote from your role PM. Just don't.
  • This game is closed communication - talk within this thread only, unless your role specifically states otherwise.
  • No talking/strategizing during the night, unless your role specifically states otherwise.
  • No posting during this thread at night time. You're supposed to be sleeping!
  • During the day, players can vote to lynch. To cast your vote type Vote: Name. Be sure to bold it!
  • If you change your vote, type Unvote: Name before your new vote.
  • This game will start on Day 1.
  • Day will last a maximum of 1 week, or until someone is lynched. Night will last 48 hours.

So, sign up and have fun! If this is successful, I, or if someone else is so inclined, will host a TF2 themed, or even TF2maps themed mafia.
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L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 27, 2009
I would like to play


Jul 27, 2009
I'd also like in. I second the contraband hats idea!

Nathan Quake

L1: Registered
May 8, 2010
Not that I will be joining, but wouldn't this be messed up by the different time zones that everyone belongs to?
Sep 12, 2008
Sign me in! :D

@Nathan Quake: the rules say

"Day will last a maximum of 1 week, or until someone is lynched. Night will last 48 hours."
So that shouldn't be too big of a problem I think.


L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
Me me me, I want to play!


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
I'll join, but could you clarify this:

During the first day, members of the Mafia have no information about who's in the Mafia or not. The person to get voted out is pretty random, so it's up to everyone to make a good, convincing first statement that will result in them not being voted out.

Once the first night falls, though, the Mafia will be able to act in a much mure unified way.

so do you find out who else (if you are Mafia) is in the Mafia when the first day closes?


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 10, 2009
You know I'm up for it.


Jul 31, 2009
so do you find out who else (if you are Mafia) is in the Mafia when the first day closes?
To be honest, I've never played or hosted it like that. I've always had it so the mafia knows who they each other are from the very moment the role PM's are sent out.


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 10, 2009
To be honest, I've never played or hosted it like that. I've always had it so the mafia knows who they each other are from the very moment the role PM's are sent out.

That's the first time I've ever seen a rule like that mentioned.

Remember, those rules take into account that everyone is face to face. Forum mafia is just words.


Jul 31, 2009
Signups are now closed, role PM's have been sent out.

The game will start in a day or so, to allow for time for any problems with role PM's to be resolved.

Have fun!