Help with Moving Camera in Demo File


L1: Registered
Dec 31, 2023
I got a DEMO file from a play-test here (so its a source TV demo file, I think). I got it moved into the right folder. I got it to play in game.

But I can not move the camera around. it is stuck at (0,0) which is in a wall on my map.
now i know i should be able to use WASD while holding mouse 1 with drive turned on; but that dose nothing.

Any ideas on how to get the camera to move?

P.S. ive attached the demo file in case anyone wants to take a look.


  • auto-20240212-0238-koth_king_of_the_train_a2.dem
    12 MB · Views: 14


L1: Registered
Dec 31, 2023
you can not move if you have F3 demo window open, maybe that was the case? try closing it
Yes that was the issue. How incredibly counterintuitive.
Thank you!