
  1. Avix

    Quake 1 Textures 1.0

    Based on the Quake WAD Overhaul Project, which removes duplicates and renames the textures ( ) Files included: -All of the ~690 textures linked above (excluding impel.wad and desert.wad) -A vmf containing a pre-made skybox for the quake...
  2. Rbstat

    ctf_dualkeep _A_1

    A ctf map that was mostly built on a balance of trying to make a version of 2fort that's both, more balanced. But also still keeps that screw around and dm feel.
  3. Padre Snowmizzle

    Rocket Ranch (CP) 1.0.3

    BLU's cleaning the wastes, one RED cesspool at a time. Well, thanks to the R.A.M, RED won't be able to pollute these ruined lands any further with that damned missile. All that's left is to finish what BLU started. Send RED packing by securing points A and B, then capture point C before all...
  4. robopan

    Battle-Bridge A2B

    I like medieval mode so much i decided to make a medieval map myself! The map takes place across a river and I tried to make the most out of its theme by using landmarks and height differences. I also added a cannon to make it easier for BLU to traverse the river and also to give the Market...
  5. r0nii

    Medieval Caribbean b6

    Re-master of map to improve fps, visuals and much more! original map (by Billo): Assets:
  6. Ponds34

    Medieval Gallows Alpha 1

    A medieval koth map that takes place next to a gallow during a rainstorm.
  7. Padre Snowmizzle

    Medieval Trackrunner (CLASH) 1.4.0

    It's a battle of tap-water vs. pisswasser, taking place in a trainyard. RED and BLU have untapped potential in the fluid industry... no, we're not talking about jarate this time. While BLU is promoting their leadless tap-water, RED is pushing sales for pisswasser wine. Both might be cheap, and...
  8. asylum

    Medieval Teu Forte a4

    NEW AND EXCITING! It's CTF TEU FORTE! It's 2Fort but medieval mode. Capture the other team's princess and defend your own from capture. Carriers get a speed penalty (she's "big boned") so plan your attacks carefully!
  9. weedwizard41

    trade degroot v2 2B

    This is my medieval trade map. It has a lot of easter eggs. Try to find them, and tell me in the comments what they are so I can add you to the next version!
  10. Kab Jab

    Medieval 3CP_Warlocked 2024-01-14

    A Scotland 3CP Medieval map consisting of 2 castles divided by a river and bridge, who shall win this bloody drunken battle? Beware of archers, flying Scotsmen and French people. Also this is the first TF2 map that I've uploaded so all criticism is welcome.
  11. mousejumper

    Medieval koth_campfire a2b

    Gather around the campfire as I tell you the tale of the Battle of the Bridge. Long ago, two castles stood here, belonging to the Bleu and Redd royal houses. Strangely, despite being mortal enemies and completely distrusting one another, they decided to build right across the stream from one...
  12. Slinkies

    mvm_battleyard fix

    NOTE: IT'S UNPLAYABLE SINCE THERES ONLY VMF FILE its an abandoned project i felt too sorry to just delete i may or may not revive it some day, im out of ideas feel free to do whatever you want with it (map is around 10% done)
  13. Gismo Gaming

    Medieval Horsebread Alpha 6 - True Attack Defense Now

    Honey, the peasants are revolting again! Horsebread is a medieval mode spin on the attack/defense capture the flag map. Storm the harbor and attack the kingdom's gates within the first point, then attack the great hall within the second, and last, point.
  14. maze

    Medieval ctf_castlepit a1

  15. SirUnknown

    Medieval Baxtorian a1

    Baxtorian is a small medieval mode CTF map set on a cliff side with a waterfall flowing through the middle of the map.
  16. maxchrome

    Festival rc4

  17. Padre Snowmizzle

    Medieval Rook (KOTH) 1.1.2

    Sharpen your swords, flame your arrows, and don your preferred powerup; let's crank our medieval warfare up a notch! Rook reeks of magic- not Merasmus, though, some other oddity... Mannpower powerups. We know 'em, we have mixed feelings on 'em. What if I told you Rook contains the solution to...
  18. Hoppkins

    72hr Jam 2023 PD_Smacktown pd_smacktown_b2

    You were invited to spend the holidays in Saxton Hale private Island. But guess what? Everyone did. And now is time to you to prove yourself worth it to be there! Smacktown is a Medieval Player Destruction Mannpower (Yes that's exacly what you heard) enclosure in a Island and you will be...
  19. stinkshink

    72hr Jam 2023 koth_renaissancefair_72 1

    During the Teufort Renaissance Fair the Mercs get into a brawl causing chaos downtown. Contributors: Hammer Assistance: Poster Art: The map buildings takes inspiration from a recent trip me and Alyx took to...
  20. Bisquit

    72hr Jam 2023 Koth_rivertown a4

    A medieval mode king of the hill map set at night on a quiet river-side town. Made within the time-frame of the 72hr jam.