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Steel Event rc4.1

cp_steel, but spookular

Of the two brothers, Redmond Mann always had a particular fondness for extravagant manors and mansions. So much so that he could hardly settle for just one. One such manor became a new front in the mercenary war when a nearby mine was revealed to be a BLU corpse disposal site. Many years have passed, and the decaying chateau has become haunted with the many spirits of those who died on, around, and under the property. They say that after the fighting stops, the skeletons will rise to hunt the living...

2023 Update:
This map has been updated to reflect the recent changes to cp_steel, as well as improved lighting, detailing, and fixes for all bugs I could find. Unlike before, all custom assets, cubemaps, and the navmesh are properly packed into the bsp.

This maps uses the team coloured skeletons vscript and logic by Stack Man

This is my first map, a Halloween-ified version of my favorite map, cp_steel. Made with permission from the maker of Steel, Fishbus! Was this the best beginner project? Probably not. This is my first run at doing anything like this, and two years later, it's just about done. It's been a journey. Although the map's technically a reskin, I've tried to make it original and interesting, without saturating gameplay with gimmicks. In it's current state, all it needs is custom HUD cp icons and a navmesh packed into the bsp.

Happy Halloween!
First release
Last update
Steeltype CP

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Latest updates

  1. minor fix

    Small fix for a sound effect and nav issue
  2. Testing before final release (I hope)

    Gameplay changes: Added most of the recent additions made to cp_steel including changes to various spawn exits, spawn layouts, new doors, widened/heightened geometry, etc. Players who die in the deathpit will no longer summon a random skeleton...
  3. Release 1

    Placed into final release in anticipation of Scream Fortress. With this update comes a number of small fixes, mostly clipping. Got some sweet pictures, though.

Latest reviews

The map is really spooky and art is well done. I'm impressed. It really inspires me to make a better looking map!
Looks super good, I would love to see this in-game!