
Scallops rc2

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Scallops rc2

Dual path with a certain scallopy powerup

Erm... what the scallop?!​

Scallops is a very vertical Mann vs. Machine map with two active bombs at once, each taking its own path, effectively making it two maps in one.

With challenging verticality to overcome, and the necessity to rotate between paths often, players must make use of Scallups, the scallop-shaped powerups scattered across the map, to traverse the map quickly and stop robots before they overwhelm the players' defenses.

With Scallups, players gain a speed boost and one very powerful jump that allows them to reach any part of the map in mere seconds, and travel through ludicrous distances when combined with trimping and/or bunnyhopping. The speed boost expires when you jump, or fire your weapon before jumping.


  • Vertical map with two active paths at once, making gameplay dynamic and no choke too powerful
  • Custom "scallup" powerup to traverse the map with lightning speed
  • Non-intrusive, performance-friendly, rudimentary wallhacks for all players which reveals the presence of bots behind walls, making it easy to tell what's happening on the other side of the map
  • Wavebars and icons that reveal which paths bots will take, allowing players to plan ahead with their teammates
  • Custom designed robot spawns and upgrade stations
  • Tanks make a huge splash when landing on water
  • Four missions, ready to play each with a different difficulty
  • Many custom assets tailor made to fit the map
  • Scallops.


watermelon for vscripts and help with the advanced mission Scallywag
( )

Other things​

This was originally made for the Double Trouble minor contest, it just missed the deadline by 5 months.
No, you can't airblast the bomb to hatch. Bots cannot accidentally "take shortcuts" here.

First release
Last update
Mann Vs. Machine

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Latest updates

  1. RC2

    Fixed some bomb stuck spots Added map loading screen photos

Latest reviews

One of the most unique MvM maps I've seen in a while, the vertical design makes for some intense gameplay, and the scallops are really fun to use!

I'd like to update this review once I collect some more feedback from my community, but I'll happily give it a 5 stars for now.