Marine Dev (GunGame VScript)

Marine Dev (GunGame VScript) v7b/dev1

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Marine Dev (GunGame VScript) v7b/dev1

No teams and no classes

With permission from Jared 'fossil' Lau, this is a gungame edit of dm_marine_dev.
First release
Last update

Latest updates

  1. v7b/dev1

    Fixed damage numbers not appearing on the screen. Reduced health back from 200 to 150. Removed Flamethrower and Dragon's Fury (darn these things REALLY don't want to play along with friendly fire) Fixed players facing walls upon spawning.
  2. v7a/dev1

    Important Hotfix: Fixed the bug related to Strange Cosmetics leveling up (hopefully this time for sure). Sadly this fix broke the TAB Scoreboard. Ignore it for now. Fixed a major bug when the game tried to convert unassigned players...
  3. v7/dev1

    GunGame v7: Fixed the bug related to Strange Cosmetics leveling up (hopefully). Removed assists. Earn your progress like a Mann! The game now tries to spawn you at least 500hu away from other players. Take a break! Increased respawn time from...