
Cyberia RC6A


Map Changes:
-Base detailing has commenced on the hatch by Waugh101
-Further detailed the factory

No noteworthy mission changes
Honestly, I forgot to update the TF2 forums, here are the changes from what I remember

Map Changes:
-Detailed the forward upgrade station room
-Clipping and nav improvements
-Jump pads are less finicky
-Added a path to the right bomb path so defenders can access it easily

Mission Changes:
-Tweaks to max actives

-New expert mission made by me

-Decommissioned by its mission maker, YOOVY. I will pick it back up once Frozen Freaks is perfected
Alpha 9 C

Map Changes:
-Qaulity of life improvements such as no longer needing to jump on the jump-pads, you can now just walk onto them!

Wrote mission changes on the fly, didn't write em' down, sorry :(


Map Changes:
-The map is no longer surrounded by one hollowed out skybox, the map now features a proper skybox and proper optimization
-Smoothed out the cylinder building
-Jumpad overlays now facing the right way
-Boosted the power on a few jumpads
-The pinetree in playable space is removed for better visibility
-Removed "The Not-Really a Tank Spawn" due to it being misleading, and overpowered
-Made flank spawn more obvious it was a flank spawn
-Nerfed sniper sightlines and sniper balconies
-Fixed arches appearing pure black
-You no longer take fall damage transitioning between levels in spawn
-Added a missing respawnroomvisualiser on one of red team's door
-Fixed nav issues

Mission Changes:
Frozen Freaks:
-Removed Human Busters
-Tweaks to bot counts
-All bots now take the teleporter, not just bots that spawn under "spawnbot"

Removed shield medics in W1
Scaled down The Cow so he wouldn't get stuck in some areas

Map Changes:
Moved Hutspawn to a different location
Added an extra platform in the starting area for more engie spots
Made the jumpads more obvious they were jumpads

Mission Changes:
SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the amount of spies and how fast they can respawn
Slowed down how fast engie bots can spawn
All shield medics (except for W6) are taken off support and put into the main wave
Reduced the amount of medics in the waves
Giant Demo now spawns with Scouts and Heavies in W1
Multiple Giant Soldier Spammers were made into Giant Baragge Soldiers instead
Increased both final tank health to 35k (W6) (+5k health)
Increased "The Cow's" health to 40k (W6) (+15k health)
General tweaks to bot count and how fast they spawn

Now includes an Intermediate mission by Y o o v y


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Map Changes
-Lighting in the factory has been redone from the ground up, replacing the placeholder lighting

Mission Changes
-Fixed the Krits Medic appearing as a giant, even though it functions as a normal robot
-Slightly adjusted WaveRespawnTimes and MaxActive times
-Slightly lowered the number of robots on some waves
Map Changes:
-Extended the bomb zone hatch to lose the claustrophobic feel
-Removed crates on the bomb hatch
-Added a second red spawn, where the grinder used to be
-Removed grinder
-Made the platform at the death pit retract upwards, creating a barrier. This happens every 10 robots. The platform goes back to normal at the start of the next wave
-Added a 3rd and 4th exit for bots to enter the area.
-The path can now split from the main entrance/main hall, and the forward upgrade room

Mission Changes:
-Fixed MaxActive to fit the 22 bot limit
-Removed giant heavy in W1 and replaced with giant demo
-Giant Kritz medic in W1 is now a Giant medic
-Removed support medics in W3, except for shield medics
-Removed support medics in W4
-Removed the attribute "AlwaysCrits" from multiple robots
-Human Busters now work as intended