Bagel (2020)

Bagel (2020) rc9b


-New crate models by Freyja
-Redetailed out of bounds areas behind Boiler
-Additional new details
-Fixed out-of-map spot under Blu spawn

-New detailing in various out of bounds areas
-New signs/posters
-Redetailed dead space in spawn
-Removed one console from each mid house
-Removed prop stack from lobby
-Replaced old brushwork door detailing with new models by Freyja

This was going to just be a Jump Pad visual update but a major splash clipping issue was discovered that required overhauling a lot of the existing splash lipping. (If you were wondering, Invisible Displacements are solid to players, grenades, and stickies, but not rockets).

-Jump pad visual update, including new particles. (Thanks pont for the rumble)

-Some minor visual and lighting updates

-Collision meshes created to replace old splash clipping on complex shapes.

-Minor geo change in house to make splash more consistent
b8 coming later i promise

The clipping above the turbines was poorly conveyed and intrusive to jumping soldiers. It has been pared back and marked better.
-Improved clipping around top of turbines
-Added pipe to better visualise clipping
-Fixed a couple edges players could become stuck in
-Massive clipping and decluttering pass
-Replaced a bunch of placeholder crates with closer to final crates
-Switched a few blockbullets clips over to invisible displacements. This was done for backend reasons but additionally it functions like a blockbullets brush that only affects explosives, so bullets will no longer disappear in those spots.
-Adjusted fade distances on a lot of props to make them less jarring
-Improved lighting on blu concrete
-Minor detail adjustments


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-Aggressive clipping pass and decluttering

Hopefully there should be no places left to get stuck or have rockets eaten
Visuals are not done for this, so its b5a not b6
bagels back baby

beginning a new pass of polish and detail, to replace a lot of placeholder or otherwise kind of ugly bits
this map will continue to be polished

B4's focus: Mid prop

-new mid prop
--liquid australium battery, returning to the original concept
-turbines replacing what was previously dead space and awkward prop stacks
--these fix a sightline allowing me to delete some crates that previously did this job
--the rotors will spin and they will fill with australium from the point as each team earns cap time. when one team wins, the losing team's turbine will empty its progress

in the future these will vent gold steam, have audio, and have pipes connecting them and pumping the australium back into each team's base


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