A Hat in Time Harbor [TRADE]

A Hat in Time Harbor [TRADE] RC3

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A Hat in Time Harbor [TRADE] RC3

A Hat in Time's oldest level recreated as accurately as possible


Expertly recreated using as many original assets as possible, this map accurately recreates A Hat in Time's 2012 early prototype world as close as possible to the original. Any assets that no longer exist were recreated by yours truly (including the old brick wall texture and old clocktower) and objects were placed as close to their original locations as possible.
Known Inaccuracies:
1. The underside of the spiral staircase is not flat
2. The canopy out front of the Juice Bar does not bounce the player
3. I chose not to recreate the crash site outside of Mafia HQ for RC1
Created by and for Hat in Time archivists. If you're interested in A Hat in Time's development history, feel free to join us in the following places:
The Hat in Time Cut Content Discord: discord.gg/TzxEHQZ
AHiT on TCRF: https://tcrf.net/A_Hat_in_Time_(Windows,_Mac_OS_X)
AHiT on LMW: https://lostmediawiki.com/A_Hat_in_...lds_of_platformer_game_and_videos;_2012-2017)
The Hat Kid's Diary Wiki: https://hatkidsdiary.fandom.com/
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Version 3

    Small update to increase the functionality of things around the map and make it easier for players to traverse! Balloons are now trigger_apply_impulse entities. This seems to give the most accurate functionality to them as compared to...
  2. Version 2

    Changes in RC2: Balloons are now catapults instead of push brushes. This means that you will follow a fixed path on them, but they will get you onto rooftops as intended Added a catapult on top of the canopy outside of the juice bar to simulate...