[WIP] ctf_cliffs


L2: Junior Member
Jan 29, 2009
ctf_cliffs is my first attempt to actually make something worthwhile in Hammer, seeing as how I normally just fiddled with it by making test maps before this. I'm trying to discover a way to incorporate trains into a CTF map's gameplay in another way besides "OMG WATCH OUT FOR THAT TRAIN IT'S GONNA HIT YOU!"

Still early alpha, little playtesting was done on it (almost none at all by experienced mappers) and the name is subject to change, because I can't think of an original name for it. I'm willing to change the layout in any way to make the map more enjoyable, but I need some playtesting done to it first.

I found out that I was the only one who submitted a map for gameday that didn't have a WIP post, so here ya go!

Download Link!


Now for some screens!







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L42: Life, the Universe and Everything
Feb 3, 2009
Magic flying shacks.


L6: Sharp Member
Dec 8, 2008
only i can pull off really talll cliffs...

anyways looks like a great start to be ur "first real try" :D

glad to play test sometime


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
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Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Fun map. The different levels and bridges made it interesting. While slightly sniper festy I did make it to the other side quite a few times so it's liveable. A little more cover across mid might be nice though.

The stairs need clipped, they are tall and bumpy. Normally I don't mind stairs being a little bumpy but your are VERY bumpy.

Might be cool to have the low path built inside buidlings more, at least one way would have good cover then.

The inside of the base was open enough to move around in so no complaints there. While playing I was gonna complain about intel room being so small, a sentry was built to cover both exits. But then a scout came with bonk and distracted it so I was able to get in and kill it. A demo could probably clear it easy, don't knoww if a soldier would be able to.
Maybe take the intel room out some so it's larger (where the window is).


Jan 6, 2008
Umm... I got dropped off the server today because I had the wrong version of the map (downloaded via the link in the gameday thread).

When I went to delete my map so I could download it from the server, I noticed you had simply called it ctf_cliffs. YOU MUST NOT DO THAT! You see, if two maps are different, yet have the same name, the game can't replace the existing map with the newer version. This will cause everyone to get dropped off any server running it, if the server has a different version than the player does.

You've got to add ax (where x is any number, i.e. a1 for your first release) to the end of the name (and bx when it's in its final stages) so that the game can recognise the difference between two versions of your map. For you, the first release should have been called ctf_cliffs_a1, then the next should be called ctf_cliffs_a2 and so on.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 29, 2009
Umm... I got dropped off the server today because I had the wrong version of the map (downloaded via the link in the gameday thread).

When I went to delete my map so I could download it from the server, I noticed you had simply called it ctf_cliffs. YOU MUST NOT DO THAT! You see, if two maps are different, yet have the same name, the game can't replace the existing map with the newer version. This will cause everyone to get dropped off any server running it, if the server has a different version than the player does.

You've got to add ax (where x is any number, i.e. a1 for your first release) to the end of the name (and bx when it's in its final stages) so that the game can recognise the difference between two versions of your map. For you, the first release should have been called ctf_cliffs_a1, then the next should be called ctf_cliffs_a2 and so on.

This will be the last time the map will be referred to as ctf_cliffs anyway. It was just a generic name I picked because I'm unoriginal with naming.

Ravidge said:
I recorded the entire session of ctf_cliffs on todays gameday:

All the feedback mentioned in the voice and text chat are saved in the recording, if that is any help

Thanks, I recorded one too, but it's nice to get a demo from another point of view!


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
Well, good to know me bitching out "you should spycrab" guy on voice will be recorded for posterity. Meanwhile, I'll echo my other feedback here:

How about moving the intel so we don't have to travel through enemy spawn to get to it. On the one hand, it makes sense they'd keep their respawn close...on the other...it's one of the bigger complaints in the "why do you hate ctf" thread.


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
I never saw the inside of the intel room. Ever. It had two very narrow entrances easily covered by sentries, combined with people spawning right at the entrance to said narrow hallways.