
KotH Persia b4

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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Koth_persia_B4 out. I hope it will be the last beta release. The new look of the central area is definitively more persian, I hope this and the reworked lighting will make koth_persia a very unique map.

In the sandy outskirts of a persian city, BLU noticed the unusual activity of the mysterious Rural Engineering of the Desert (RED) Corp. And it seems a new advanced atmospheric device will soon be used to change the local climate into a more rainy one. As the powerful tool is almost reaching operational state, the two groups will mercilessly clash to claim their prize.

That's the story so far. The alpha 4 is now released, mostly featuring some detailing of the start areas of both teams and rougher texturing/details in the central area. Some key elements are still temporary (central ground, central buildings) until more play test are done, but custom textures and props habe been introduced for this exotic setting.

The map is quite small and simple is design, because I want some merciless and brutal fight for dominion, while giving space for all classes to have fun. Koth mode is almost all about the central area, so there are mainy ways to reach it, but staying on the control point should be more difficult.
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Jun 9, 2009
Looks really fun, I'll try it out promptly. The only thing that looks a bit weird is the raised sandy area near the point. Try to make that rock or something that would actually look more probable to stand straight up.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Thank you, actually, this cliff like structure is just a prop awaiting some lovable displacement work. Just a way to playtest a not so flat area.

I've begun detailing of the area just outside the spawns, that doesn't need to much gameplay refining. As for the main area, I'm just considering lowering a bit the ground behind the capture point, to give this strategic place some disadvantage.


L3: Member
Aug 16, 2009
Casablanca on hold?:( I never got a chance to try it out, it looked awesome. Perhaps resolve any issues with it at TF2M gamedays?


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I'm not very sure, its mostly an issue with my main community and the hard work to cope with a design done when I was still a noob.

Some fresh pics from the blu spawn. As said, I'm quite confident about the starting zones, but I probably won't detail the central zone before further tweaking



L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Updated to Alpha 3 (a)

The main goal of this update is to test a variety of solutions to give the central area a bigger role.

* expanded the area behind the point, removed all nearby healthpacks

* flipped the two stairs to make their access be from the front.
* added some cover on the sides (complete with some little ammo/health packs)
* added a yummy yet so exposed full_health pack in the central zone



L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I'm quite happy with how the gameflow was altered by the latest modifications. I can almost fully focus on detailing now and, I hope to have some screens to show in the next days. Overall, the map will looks brighter, because of the colors used for the walls (white and cream concrete mostly)



L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
okay, I'm nearly done with the blu courtyard area, but still no done a thing into the spawn itself :( I'm getting help from someone of my communauty to get hands on a few custom props, and there were a couple issue to tackle :D

Okay, time for some screeniness

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Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
It was fun. I don't know why you changed the timer to 4 minutes instead of 3 though?

One thing I noticed: There's tons of health in the middle! Endless supply! I could rocketjump around nonstop and not worry about health at all (not that I was invincible, but I always knew I could refill the lost health from rj upon landing). This made it extremely hard for non-airbourne classes to keep up with the rain of rockets.

Also, you have a good setting for dramatic lighting. ADD SUCH! would make the map feel a lot more alive.

Looking forward to next version.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I set the timer to 4 to get a better grasp of how things would turn on at each round. (Additionnaly, our admin only gives us mere unique/double round for each koth so I wanted to lengthen the pleasure ^^)

Well, yes there may too much health, I tryed to lure players into the opposing area because during the first play tests they stuck too much around the capture point (could it be they felt safer there ? ;) ). One of those two max health pack will be hereby sacrified, but which one ? I wonder ^^

What do you mean by dramatic lighting ? More sharp shadow/moonlight contrast ? I didn't want to try something extreme in the first stages of the maps. :p The main textures will be ultimately far more bright than the current dev textures so I may end using a sharper setting.


L1: Registered
Sep 10, 2009
Look at those windows... Just marvelous, i love them ! :love:
Oh btw, the rest of the decoration is cute too ;)

Great job Uriak :thumbup:


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Well, it's kinda lonely in there.

So as it's almost the only complaint, I'm going to tone done the packs removing one of the big health and maybe setting the mediums one on the point to little ones.
People asked me to provide cover in the area behind the point, but the way it is, keeps the area unsecure and avoid people flocking in there to avoid the main zone.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Thanks, I just fixed it. So as I got bored, I tried doing the animated background menu things, so here it is :

Download here and install it into the tf folder. For custom background users it erases the titlered, titleblue and valve.rc files. I played with the flickering light to earn it the "animated" title.
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I've begun detailling the central area. I wanted to only texture it at first but I realized I had to at least complete the roof of the main opposite buildings

It's far from complete but it gives a more accurate feeling of what the color palette will be. I may have nailed the red and blue settings but I still don't have made any decision about the central "neutral" structures. They certainly will have more presence in the future but I don't know what colors and theme to give them. They musn't be affiliated to one of teams's universe but still need some strong nature. I foresee custom texture chores :p

Anyway, the ground itself and these central buildings are likely to stay quite undetailed in the next realease, as I painfully still lack feedback.