

L1: Registered
Mar 7, 2009
Koth1 is a push cp map, its an uphill struggle to capture the other teams hill, plenty of buildings provide cover for engies, heavies, medics, and pyros. the open outdoors leading to the hill provide long range attackers the benifet of attacking if the top hill is owned. scouts can jump from roof to roof using the force of nature and no sandman. once all points are capped. Destrction. PLEASE let me know what you think either through steam : SnapBackKilla Email: cabbiethefirst@yahoo.com the forums here or the tf2maps.net chatroom. :)
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L3: Member
Jul 12, 2008
Well, you didn't say it was your first map but I have the feeling it is. The grass texture you used is an HL2 texture, and should be avoided for TF2. When searching for textures to use in a TF2 map use the keyword 'TF'. Your buildings are also made of dirt, which usually isn't a good thing :p. The skybox you have set is an HL2 Skybox texture, to change the one displayed go to Map->Map Properties and select the 'SkyBox Texture Name' Field. The list of TF2 skyboxes is here. Also your map has been compiled in fullbright, which happens when Hammer detects no light_environment entity in your map, so just add one of those and some 'light' entities around your map in the buildings and you should be good. The map also looks a little too open for a TF2 style of play, snipers would dominate. I'd suggest maybe looking around the TF2 Valve Developer Community to learn a bit more about mapping, and then spruce the map up. Also basing a map off of an orange map is generally not a good idea, as they aren't very well designed. And one final thing, your HUD looks a little funky, especially since there's only one CP in your map. Try deleting any that you left behind in your map before compiling. Also don't set the 'Cap Layout' field in your team_control_point_master entity. Hope that helps!


L1: Registered
Mar 7, 2009
i fixed the index already just there when i took photos.

also i changed the grass texture its a tf2 texture im fairly sure.

the buildings i can easily change. also i added another section with another building, instead of just looking at the old pictures try actually downloading the map instead of judging the pictures, thanks
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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
I'll give you one tip if you don't want to attract a bunch of hackers and aimbots:

Don't make your map like an Orange X map.


L1: Registered
Mar 7, 2009
note: its not a orangex3 remake if thats what your thinking its the same cap layout, as a linear cp map, if anybody did not know what that was, i was comparing the map orangex3's capture system, sorry for the confusion.


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
That's called Push CP. You thought it was like Orangex3 just because of that? You don't play much vanilla TF2 apparently. Badlands, Well, Granary, Fastlane...