
  1. Ponds34

    Iliad Alpha 3

    A Small Koth map that takes place on the top of a Greek Village surrounded by olive trees with an emphasis on giving verticallity to all classes. !!!Greek assets made by Freyja!!!
  2. That1Yoshi

    Feint a3d

    Inspired by classic payload maps, with open areas and verticality. Essentially a remake of my latest payload map. Hopefully it'll play a bit better.
  3. dabmasterars

    Strikezone B5

    This is koth_strikezone - a unique spin on King of the Hill with a second point that launches airstrikes! DESCRIPTION This King of the Hill gamemode variation has a secondary point. The point can be captured after the main point by any team, but it does not contribute to team progression...
  4. nerdwithahammer

    Headquarters a3

    My first map! Probably sucks. Both teams have to fight over a worthless empty tower surrounded by gravel. Cap point is at the very top. Watch out for banana peels!
  5. BombaSticked

    Smokeside a5d

    Ctf don't fit mannpower very well. This gamemode need more verticality, this is why I made this map.
  6. Itspice

    koth_fall a1

    somewhat vertical king of the hill map with alternate routes and a death pit, of course.
  7. Piesofthesky

    Boxes A10

    koth_boxes This is my first attempt at creating a more serious map. I wanted to resist my urge to make crazy off-the-grid brushwork and focus on the basics, which gave me the idea to make much of my map from cargo containers. The containers in this map do not use the cargo container props, but...
  8. NTMonsty

    Ant Farm A2

    Ant Farm stemmed from my weird fascination with ant farms. It might be rough around the edges, but it works. This map is almost entirely vertical, except for the control point's area, which is more 3-Dimensional. This map is also kind of experimental, so don't expect it to be played very seriously.
  9. TylowStar

    KOTH Jagged (A1) 2019-01-04