mapping error

  1. AnimatedGreat

    Can't run map

    I feel very stupid posting here but I tried looking over the internet and found nothing that helped me. I am creating a map and all of a sudden it just stopped working when I run the map from hammer. I essentially can't access my map anymore, I don't want to have to do some very time consuming...
  2. TheBluScout #frontline!


    so in maps like balloon race and wacky race, the payload is concave and the players move along with it, the issue with my payload is that when the payload turns, players clip into it and get stuck or when the boat turns they don't turn with it. How do i fix this? - TheBluScout
  3. SanekOgon

    Need some help with props!

    Hello, I have a small problem after I put a couple of pines right behind the mettalic fence, everything disappeared in the game. In the editor everything is in place, but in the game somewhere all is lost? Can someone please help me with that crap? Where are all this gone??? Hammer: In-game:
  4. Pyrosaxo

    Help ! (Creating a spawnroom)

    Im a beginner trying to create maps and while trying to create a spawnroom i encountered a problem. I made a resupply locker, made the entity, associated it with a func_regenerate and compiled the map. The thing being that although it looks fine in hammer (its supposed to be aginst a wall), in...
  5. Chromsmith

    Importing custom model issue.

    So. For a couple of weeks I had an issue with importing models with their textures from Nintendo into the source engine. Doe I managed to get the model itself and it's texture separately into engine , I cannot bring them togheter in one piece. The model it is suppose to be a skybox rigged from...
  6. FishyUberMuffin

    Blue Map

    For some reason, my map has big blue spots around it. Why is this happening? The map in question: