
  1. Dr.Pootis-001

    CTF_Woodworks Beta V1

    a collaborative prototype of a map called woodworks. it has many bugs that need to be addressed such as the flags not working on player and only for bots.
  2. vulduv

    reinstalling tf2 breaks hammer

    i had a glitch with one of my maps. tf2 though i dident haw the acces key. so naturaly i reinstalled tf2. so it could make a new acces key for my maps. but instead of that... hammer refused to start bqs one text file was missing... YEP! not like it could. you know. replace it with a standard...
  3. DevilsSon [sourceMM]

    Disapearing walls

    I have just registered an account on here and I need help with this problem, recently I have been playing around with hammer and sometimes randomly a wall or floor disappears for no reason, in hammer its there but in game its not, but sometimes its also missing in hammer at the same time I don't...