
  1. Wendy

    huh lockers 1

  2. Minealberto112

    The Hammo & Aealth packs (The Cursed Health & Ammo packs models) 2023-11-06

    This models are more useful for april fools maps, i hope you like it
  3. bowacunga

    KOTH_Itemtest :) 2022-02-21

    here's something disgusting i threw together in 2 days (baby's first koth map) i'm too lazy to create a proper navmesh so i didnt get to actually playtest it. but they have a server for that, right? anyway, enjoy or dont
  4. Lo-fi Longcat

    Sinewycoast a1

    I'm pleased to finally be able to show what myself and @FloofCollie have been diligently working on for april fools! I present to you: Sinewycoast! Being the second in my series of Horrible Godawful Meat Hellscape versions of existing maps this map takes on good old snowcoast and turns it into...