
Kemptown rc3a


* moved upper route from spawn to mid over a bit

* replaced two tiny doorways at mid with one big doorway

* added another resupply locker to each spawn

* fixed one of the spawn blocker textures being misaligned

* miscellaneous clipping and optimisation tweaks

* remade mid almost entirely, it’s now bigger and more spacious

* increased capture zone size

* pushed spawns closer towards mid (and also raised it up a bit)

* added yrrzy’s Mud Pies poster

* put water in the fountain. actual water

* added posters by Uncuepa and Darren

* extended building to the left of spawn to fill up some dead space

* hollowed-out the buildings flanking mid

* added some high-ground around the point

* raised the area around the mid by half the height

* item pickup revisions

* quick optimisation

* other miscellaneous tweaks