PL Swiftwater (swift revisited)

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What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Swiftwater - Updated 8/23/2011 [Last Update]

Steam Page:

Current version is pl_swiftwater_final_rc

No known bugs. DX8 works.

Until further notice, there will be NO MORE UPDATES. (hooray!)

I have made all the changes I feel are necessary. There are a few minor areas of polish that will be touched up at my leisure. All that is left to do is fine-tweak balance from community feedback. I feel this is something that can only happen with lots of data and players.

If you are a server operator and have hard stats please link me them here. I'll update the OP with everyone's stats as they come in.

Thanks to everyone for playing and testing this map. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
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L6: Sharp Member
Nov 11, 2008
Edit: removed question, just loaded it up and answered it myself :p it was the "clipping exploit" you mentioned

One thing that has always bugged me about swift, is in the first area not being able to demo or rocket jump over the trees, it looks jumpable, is in the middle of the playable area, but acts like a giant pilliar of nofly zone that seems wierd to me :/
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What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Artesia, that has been sorta changed.

Now there are only the two little areas above the trees in Cp1 that are clipped to the top. The problem is that no matter what the shape the clips for the trees are a soldier/demo will still be able to stand on the teensiest place. I think players standing on trees would look really weird and wouldn't be good for gameplay.

In this version are the clips still a problem?


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 11, 2008
I did load that problem, and noticed it was better but still seems weird... what I would do rather than clip the whole sky is:

trigger multiple at the top of the tree, onstarttouch enables a timer that fires on something like .5 seconds, ontimer activates a very gentle trigger push... it could be strong but it might be weird to throw them, I'd try to do it just gentle enough to slowly push them off the peak, if they try to counteract the push they would run off as their walk is stronger than the push. then on the trigger multiple onendtouch disables both the timer and the trigger push.

I don't know if you like doing things like that, but I don't think anyone would notice that other than the fact that you wouldn't have a giant cylindrical pillar of a player clip... ;P

Edit: Alternatively, you could leave the trigger push on constantly, if its gentle enough even people who hit it during a jump would probably not even notice.... would need testing though... (single tree in an empty map would work)


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
I think I told you this once, but just in case I forgot... the spawn doors that lock upon points being captured... they can close and lock on players who were trying to slip out at the last minute, sticking them in place.


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 11, 2008
I think I told you this once, but just in case I forgot... the spawn doors that lock upon points being captured... they can close and lock on players who were trying to slip out at the last minute, sticking them in place.

I think thats a problem with many doors, what I did to fix that on my map was activate a trigger_teleport that encompases the door but only for a split second, sending all players of the associated team to their next spawnpoint


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
I prefer the touchTest solution, where when you want to lock a door you touchTest the door's trigger... if nobody's touching it you go ahead and close and lock it. If somebody is touching it, you wait until the trigger is clear (OnEndTouchAll I think it is) and then close and lock it. As a player being teleported unexpectedly feels weird, especially in TF2.


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 11, 2008
it depends on the situation, if the respawn changes teams from one color to another its not just the door , its the respawn_visualizer that can trap people. Thats why I do the teleport method, if I had my way I would have valve make the respawn_visualizer one way, meaning enemies could leave the room, but not re-enter. Because as it is now, my spawns change teams, and if I don't teleport the occupants, they would be trapped in there waiting for the other team to come in and kill them... :/


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
Well I'll grant you that, teleporting people is definitely better than trapping them in a hostile spawn. :)

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Thanks Lusty, I'd forgotten about that door problem.

I'm going to do a trigger_multiple that closes the door on end touch all in the door frame. Initially I was worried this would be exploited by a player standing in the door to keep it open, I'll just add enough of a trigger push to force the player out the door (since that is where they would be headed anyhow) and the problem should be solved in a near invisible way.

As for the tree tops, I'll have to experiment w/ the push.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
it's only a minor thing:
but might i suggest that you have some water visible somewhere on the map. (e.g. you could do a underground river viewable from red spawn, or near the final area).
afterall, you have "water" in the name now, AND the whole theme is about destroying a red factory that's polluting/selling water (i think).

and lol about the train. good addition. (but heh, i'm biased XD )


L3: Member
Feb 22, 2009
All feedback I can give you is of visual nature (blandness of the new tunnel etc.), and you said yourself that you're going to work on the visuals once the balancing is done.

But now that you do another version of Swift, maybe you could increase the size of the blue forward spawn. This, well, closet resembles a clown car with any incoming respawn wave of 3+ people.

Hmmm, with Swift being worked on again it is out of the race for being a community map. Bummer.

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Tourny mode keeps track of how long it takes each team to get a point. Previously builds of Swift only gave each team a point for capping the final cap. Now it is set to give a point for each CP capped. The team_control_point_master has a dropdown menu box to change the setting.


L420: High Member
Jul 3, 2008
I still think that "Swift" logo on those tanks needs work - it's too clean-cut, needs to look more like it's printed on a tank, not plain white - dirty it up a bit.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
This is a fun map look foward to improvements.

Maybe on top of the trees just put some push triggers. Since you have to jump up there the triggers would work everytime all the time. If it's really slight it shouldn't be noticeable and better than hitting an invisible wall, especially if there are spots that you can get to. It would be weird to memorize 'safe zones'.
A value of 10 would probably be enough for a soft nudge.

The biggest issue would be do you push player towards attackers or defenders. Doesn't really matter but one team will always be pushed the 'wrong way'.
I'd lean towards attackers since it's so close to spawn blu is more likely to jump the trees than red.

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008

I like the texture, don't want to mess with it too much. I was using the plain white texture on the backdrop, and I think that was causing most of the complaints.

Is this better?


L1: Registered
Mar 15, 2009
You've fixed a lot of the jump-over-the-clip issues, but there are still a few.
(a big flat area over a couple of roofs around the two chemical tanks)

(this wall faces the front of the chemical tanks; just looks a bit odd to be standing here)


(tiny little area you could stand on in the corner here, outside blue forward spawn)

(you can just barely stand on the edge of the roof here)

(this one's pretty important: this is the building on the right side of blue first spawn [from red's perspective] and from here you can get under/behind the map)

I did all of these with one or two stickies, so they're all possible (if not practical) in normal gameplay. Most of these are pretty picky, but the last one definitely deserves a look.