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Pitch Park (PL) 1.1.4

Sun Tzu had to train to become a great warrior, and for Teufort's amusement, you will too!

Sun Tzu had to train to become a great warrior, and for Teufort's amusement, you will too!

Looks like the lot of you got yourselves in trouble with the Teufort law once again. Blame Soldier and Scout for getting into heated arguments with the parents in the middle of a little league game. Instead of being hung for their public display of neck-snapping and bat-beating, the Mayor wants to try something new for the town.

During setup time, both teams are allowed onto the baseball field for 30 seconds in order to plan for the round! A truce is active during this time, but buildings can still be tampered and destroyed.

With cover provided, RED must keep BLU from sending their cardboard counterpart all the way to home base. There's a lot of flanks to avoid running into the crossfire, so take advantage of those routes!

This is a very challenging, but very doable map for both teams. Do you have what it takes to enter the big leagues?

Learned a bit more specifics about optimization, mostly ent limits and what factors into it. For a server that I run with 26 possible mercs wearing cosmetics and shooting stuff, that's pretty important. May touch earlier maps and explore possible avenues for improved performance... cough Windmill cough.

Don't be afraid to leave feedback and share your experiences! Let me know if you'd like to see more of my maps. Take it easy, folks.

I have a community server themed around mostly old-school TF2: the SMIZZ server. It contains older custom maps (along with mine), improved and functional TFBots, loads of silly rebalancing, and much more! The IP for anyone willing to join:

To download and play the map yourself:

1) Subscribe, boot up TF2, and go to this folder address: steam/steamapps/workshop/content/440

From there, visit the folder with the matching workshop link ID, then copy-paste it into your tf/maps folder.

2) Open TF2, then go to your console and type map workshop/insert workshop link ID here to download and enter the map.


Patch #1: Fixed spectator camera only being assigned to BLU team.
Padre Snowmizzle
First release
Last update

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