
  1. dogburg

    cp_refinery a5

    this map is inspired by Red dagger's work, like "ynysllwynogod" tbh i hate that name

    koth gravel lake a1.3 2023-12-27

    few mouths ago, i watched 2015 ueakcrash tell me how to make tf2 maps. i used that knowledge to make my first tf2 map: koth_gravellake (a1) (bc i will probably, almost certainly come back and want to improve things after playtests). this is a KOTH map, centered around a lake, with gravel in it...
  3. Parzivle

    ctf_gravel_tower A3

    An attempt to reimagine CTF a bit by splitting the cap and flag point into two sections. The flag is in each other's respective colored tower in the gravel mine pit. The cap point is the storage building next to the spawn. Have fun ^^
  4. nerdwithahammer

    Headquarters a3

    My first map! Probably sucks. Both teams have to fight over a worthless empty tower surrounded by gravel. Cap point is at the very top. Watch out for banana peels!
  5. Zipfinator99

    Rocksalt v7

    Rocks. The building blocks of a civilized society. Without rocks you can't make concrete. And without concrete you can't make buildings. At least not a building worth being in. A quarry has been located that serves as Red's primary source of gravel for concrete mixing. A mostly autonomous...
  6. bajablink

    Bullfighter A2A

    Overview: The map is set in 2 buildings under construction created by Blutarch Mann and Redmond Mann with a point in the middle. Thanks to: Danimations - making the map
  7. Frupcup™

    Dust Devil b4

    CP Dust Devil is a map set in a gravel processing and shipping center. Battle on behalf of your corporate overlords as they attempt to vertically integrate the gravel industry!
  8. Owli

    Gravel Gate a8

    A map where industrial blu are trying to capture a horn from a Japanese village and the red are protecting it.
  9. Owli

    Gravel Ditch a3a

    ever wanted a map so small you can trimp across it and kill some one respawning?
  10. Deludank

    Darcy A3a

    My first map to be posted, not the first map I made, but still, it's my first good one. This map is based on a station where the Blue and Red teams sell gravel and the like. This map uses The Construction Pack.
  11. savvaisnotagirlolbbq

    Landslide A3

    A very vertical and dusty attack/defense map with a twist! Rather than forcing Red to defend all the time, there are chances where the team can retake the control point and decrease the time! This was made in 3 days also.
  12. Jackhammer881

    arena_windyard a1

    Windyard is my attempt at making an arena map. This is also an entry to the 2019 72 hour jam. It is set in some sort of gravel facility in the badlands. The map has a singular control point that is located in a barn in the center of the map.
  13. +200 pings

    koth_gravel_ground v1

    its still a work in progress map, some dev textures are still in the game and displacement is not in the game yet but try to test it out, ratings are greatly appreciated
  14. P

    pl_roaring_flame a8

    Stately. Dignified. Divine. An awe-inspiring testament to the blessings of creation. This is what one could call the Roaring Flame Plateaus of the Badlands before the white man showed up. After decades of strip mining for gravel and other precious minerals, the Roaring Flame Plateaus became a...
  15. DrHoops

    Gravelpoot A1A

    Gravelpoot (name very much subject to change) is a 5CP map with a mix of long outdoor sightlines and tighter, more corner-y indoor arenas. I've been mapping for a while but this the first map I've got to a properly playable state, so I'd appreciate your feedback!