Working on a Map!


L2: Junior Member
Mar 18, 2013
- Plan the basics of the layout on paper, taking into account things like optimization and flow.


Here are the Blueprints for my Second idea for a KotH map. I made both spawns away and not facing the control point so there isn't any spawn trapping like there was in my first idea. I was wondering if I should add an area right next to the spawns when you leave to go up stairs and look out windows upon the capture point. but then I second thought that when I realized it could be a bit op.. I don't know. Leave me your feedback! I appreciate it!

- Sean

Fish 2.0

L6: Sharp Member
Nov 22, 2012
If you take a look on either side of the point you have staircases that are redundant, a sightlines from one end of the map to the other and only one way to get onto or to the other side of the point - through the middle.

This could make classes like
Over powered

and it would make classes with low health like
Very under powerd.

One thin important in mapping is flow. As a mapper you need to direct the flow of the players to the places you want them to be. Obviously, you want majority of the players in general on the point but if you have a look at it this way;

Where do you want the spies to be? You want them to be on the enemy side, infiltrating their base killing off people on their own side. Now ask yourself, how are they going to get there? Are they able to with any spy cloaking item? You will quickly see that unless they use the Dead Ringer and Spycicle they will will quickly die or be discovered to either random, compressed bullet spray over the main point, bumping into someone or being set on fire from compressed pyro spam.

Where you you want engineers to set up? They could easily set up in one of those wings on either side to create an OP killing funnel from the point to either side.

Why are there rooms to the side that lead nowhere? What advantages does that give a team at any one time? I see a staircase that redundantly leads nowhere.

Basically what I'm saying is you need to have routes for players to take around the point. What I'm seeing now is a bullet funnel that goes straight to the other side. There is usually a route along one side of the point so players can navigate around and behind for surprise. I'm thinking the curves nature of the design would make it bias to one side if there was only one way around the point, but two ways around a point would be OP and the action wouldn't be focused so much on the centre. Maybe straighten it out and add a flanking route to one side.

In general you need more than one route to or around something. Good luck.
Sep 7, 2012
Some suggestions:

First, having a big empty point area is not very fun. Put some obstacles or fun geometry for the classes to play around near the point! (purple)

Additionally, flank routes play a huge role in making a map fun, enjoyable, and class-balanced. I would suggest that something like the (blue) route would be better, as the (red route) is too much of a shortcut and it might turn into the main route to the point.



L2: Junior Member
Mar 18, 2013
Alright, I've tweaked the blueprints. I have moved both spawns so the old spawn room is now a side path around the capture point (flank route). I have also added a room with a window to be semi-protected while shooting at the capture point (note that sentries cannot shoot from the window in this area). I have also added a few more obstacles like the black wall that will partly prevent a drastic bullet funnel. and I have made use of the room with the ladder to the left and right sides of the map (you can now enter the room from the spawn, which is what most snipers might do). Tell me if you think there is anything else that could be an issue or if I tweaked it in an oddly fashion in which I could have struck more issues.



Last edited:
Sep 7, 2012


This is the exact opposite of your other blueprint, which had no flank. This has TOO MUCH flank. Try to imagine your point area as a single room, with 2-3 exits towards blu spawn and 2-3 exits towards red spawn. Passages that skip the point completely make the game too difficult for classes like heavy that are susceptible to flanking and they make other classes overpowered. Try something between your two versions.


L2: Junior Member
Mar 18, 2013
Alright, How is this? Moved spawn back to its original position. so there is more walking. but I think I have managed to make a flank that still keeps the players focused on the capture point.

Sep 7, 2012
That looks a lot better, if you can't go through the windows. Not sure about sightlines, but in terms of gameplay space and routes it looks promising.


L2: Junior Member
Mar 18, 2013
Sweet! What would sightlines be? would that mean how much you can see all the players?


L1: Registered
Dec 30, 2012
Sightlines are how far a sniper can see.
If the sightlines are too long, wide, or flat, the sniper is overpowered, and if the sightline is too short, narrow, or hilly, the sniper has less power.


Sep 23, 2011
A sight line is exactly that, a line of sight. Draw a line from A to B on the map, that's a sight line.

The trick here is finding the important ones. Looking down a hallway is different from barely peeking around three corners and standing on a hill. A sight line is a potential bullet path. Many weapons have infinite range. Especially the sniper rifles.

Fish 2.0

L6: Sharp Member
Nov 22, 2012
I'm still feeling a bit wry on the fact that you have to pass close to the point to get past it. Official map flank routes go around the point, and what you have provided is just another means to the same end...

Play testing is by far the best bet to tell if it's working or not.


L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
Alright, How is this? Moved spawn back to its original position. so there is more walking. but I think I have managed to make a flank that still keeps the players focused on the capture point.


i disagree with killing the flanks. now every path leads into the cp which will likely result in one team sitting on one side of cp, other on the other, and a hell of spam in between with no room for tacticool maneuvers and sneak attacks. you basically have viaduct here.

other than that, make it and see what happens in practice


L2: Junior Member
Mar 18, 2013
other than that, make it and see what happens in practice

Currently in the process of creating the map! When I would like to show you pictures of the map and my progress, I will most likely post a thread in the map workshop, so don't forget to check there. I really am grateful to have your guys advice. Thank you!


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Something I'm surprised no one mentioned yet is height variation. Is the entirety of the map on one level, not counting the rooms separated by staircases? Generally maps will have some amount of height shifting among the various combat areas. Here, it looks like it's just the spawn and some tiny out-of-the-way room.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jan 28, 2012
Something I'm surprised no one mentioned yet is height variation. Is the entirety of the map on one level, not counting the rooms separated by staircases? Generally maps will have some amount of height shifting among the various combat areas. Here, it looks like it's just the spawn and some tiny out-of-the-way room.

it seemed to work out OK in Well.


L6: Sharp Member
Oct 31, 2011
I'd say well has a lot more height variation than that map seems to, and still manages to feel flat as hell. Also shut up GPuzzle; As long as you have schoolwork or a book or something to keep you busy between rounds, Arena is a great gamemode.


L9: Fashionable Member
Feb 27, 2012
I'd say well has a lot more height variation than that map seems to, and still manages to feel flat as hell. Also shut up GPuzzle; As long as you have schoolwork or a book or something to keep you busy between rounds, Arena is a great gamemode.

I was joking, not being serious.
Arena is actually my second favorite gamemode - TC coming first.
Why do things I like never get played?