
KotH Toxic A3


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 29, 2015
Toxic - This map is as toxic as it can be!

Located deep in the West German forest lies a hidden research facility called the "Bayerisches Wald Forschungsinstitut/Bavarian Forest Research Institute", this facility is known to house tanks full of toxic materials, and in the middle lies a nuclear warhead on top of a pit of toxic waste, who will capture the facility to own it all?

Toxic is a map originally created by Hotdoge Mcgee, but was adopted by me, and remade.
Credits :
Hotdoge - Original map
Vig - Decker Props
Void - Blu Imports of everything props, and Nuclear Waste material
Frontline Team - Bunker ladders
Last edited:


Jul 27, 2009
Some quick feedback for you:

You should add a version number to the end of your map name, if you update the map with the same name (koth_toxic as it is currently) anyone with a previous version will get error messages if it comes up in an imp for example.

As it stands, the map is really open and to be honest, really dull - it is just a box with some stuff in it. Snipers are going to have a field day along the sides of the map as they are completely devoid of cover and slow classes are going to be dominated by scouts and jumping classes. The only real height variation, other than the point itself, is the octagon in front of spawn, which is only accessible to jumping classes. Fighting on the flat ground will get old real quick, it really needs some height differences to spice up the gameplay somewhat.

There are no real routes or flanks to take, you just have a choice of going left or right out of spawn (also add more than one door, just having one leads to really easy spawncamping). Once that choice is made you are practically on the point already as the map is rather short, there isn't any intermediate area between spawn and the point. I think you should look at some other koth maps, official or otherwise, and see how they add distinct routes, height variation and cover that may be completely separate from one another or intertwine somewhat. Adding some buildings to the map would help break up the sightlines and lack of cover, and they could also provide some much needed height variation.

I think I would rather the toxic waste killed you instantly, rather than having to wait a few seconds for the trigger_hurt to kill you slowly.

Also, the German flags you have below the radio towers seem to go haywire if you get a certain distance away from them. (why are they there anyway?)

Hope this helps a bit.



Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Here are some tips for making height variations.
This is what I do: Make a 256x256 displacement tile with power of 2. start giving the displacement tiles height variation by using vertex tool. With displacements, you can make whatever geometry and you do not need to worry about visleafs so it would be easy. You also dont need to sew everything so it is really good at making whatever geometry you imagine.
This might not make sense but that's what I do


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 29, 2015
-Added some crates and boards to make a staircase on both sides of the map
-Added more tanks for height variation
-Added 2 Buildings for height variation
-Removed the unnecessary Germany Flag.
-Changed the sky to nightfall
-Made the toxic pit instakill

Read the rest of this update entry...


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 29, 2015
-Added more props
-Replaced the blocks next to the mid with buildings
-Added Cubemaps
-Added a small tower ontop of the mid containing a rocket
-Removed the Missiles on the side of the mid
-Added spotlights on both sides with lighting
-Replaced the doors with better doors with filters

Read the rest of this update entry...