KotH tollway

Aug 23, 2008
Played a 6v6 pug on A1, so not that useful to you. I'm pretty tired so I'll just go over some of the brief comments people made.

Demo: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3492731/spacesaver/20120714-0416-koth_tollway_a1.dem

1) Sniper sightlines are outrageous. The sniper can stand way back on either right or left and just rail off shots. Additionally they could stand on the ledge from the building and kill as well. You might want to extend the barrier at mid, or adjust how it sits to block the sighlines.

2) Demos can spam the point with very little penalty. Stickies over the wall are brutal.

3) The healthpack in the rectangle building right outside of spawn is a deathtrap, both because you'll die if you run for it (soldiers will bomb you) and because scouts can run around behind you and grab it very easily. Maybe move the medium health up a bit further forward to the side of the building?

4) Players felt like the spawn building was a bit problematic. It felt like you could get locked into your base very easily. Not sure what you could do about that.

Okay done. Will try to pug A2 tomorrow.


L1: Registered
Aug 18, 2010
A lot of these issues were repeated in the pugs I did, and I knew about the sight lines but did not want to do major adjustments until I knew what else needed improved on the layout.

I think a2 helped with a lot of issues, though I intend to tackle the spawn (which has been seen to potentially be a problem, but has not been one yet) and adjust mid for improved cap-ability in the next round.


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
map was fun. but it's very poorly executed. I guess the map was rushed and it shows.
for a3, clean shit up

the trailer model has a complex collision model and is a poor gameplay structure imo. get rid of it.
I don't really feel like the underground path adding anything to this maps
and I don't approve of your health/ammo placement
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Sep 11, 2013
I will get you the demo later, test kind of sucked but whatever.

General feel was that it was too open. I really hated the sniper lanes and never felt safe. I think this actually got worse from the 72hr version I played, because you blocked off part of the underground route which significantly limited movement to the enemy sides. I don't know how to explain my frustration when pushing the point or the enemy yard, it just feels like running into jelly or something. Fubar is right that pickup placement was terrible. If you keep the current layout I'd consider putting the point in a house like on Harvest or Sawmill, I know that goes against your eventual detailing but I don't know what else I would do.


Nov 6, 2011


You have a problem here with clipping, both bases.
Those windows can also be spammed out of from inside the base. As a demo I can actually lob stickies onto mid from *inside* the base through the windows. Close them off with glass and you will have effectively solved both problems, but you still should clip that.