At this point its hard to tell what your thinking - try get in the habit of sketching top down views on paper thinking about the shape of gameplay spaces. I'll try to give you the little advice I can from this though;
At a glance there's a major problem you want to nip in the bud at your first map; rooms joined by corridors is bad 90% of the time - what you want is 'rooms' joined directly to other rooms (note that a room can be indoors or outdoors - its a convenient way of thinking about gameplay spaces)
the one on the left is the kind of connections you should be looking at, rather than those on the right (this helps to avoid chokey spam traps)
as a second point its good that you're thinking about height to some degree, its very important, which leads nicely into my final point -
look how maps in the game do things - making spaces that look somewhat similar to spaces in 'good' maps is the perfect way to get a starting idea of what gameplay spaces are fun. Don't be too ambitious at first - stick with what's tried and tested. In terms of height, have a close look at how high profile maps vary the height in their gameplay space. (e.g., mid points tend to be somewhat raised from their surroundings with some supporting higher geometry in the vicinity)
good luck, check out UEAKCrash's tutorials on youtube, have fun, and don't get demoralised if your early maps are bad - everyone's terrible at first!