The Second Annual Saxxy Awards Start in 10 Minutes!

L13: Stunning Member
Jun 16, 2010

The Second Annual Saxxy Awards start in just 10 minutes! And to celebrate, everybody who participated in voting is getting a free Saxxy Clapper Badge!

Don't forget to watch the Spike Video Game Awards pre-show December 7th, where we'll announce the winner of the "Best Overall" category live!

Lastly, due to getting fewer submissions than we'd hoped for the "Best Original Universe" category, we didn't think it was fair to the other finalists to showcase it at the awards site, since they had to battle through stiffer competition to make it this far. But congratulations all the same to TheMike, Black_Stormy, Crazyb2000, Gamerman12, Oggnog, =|NLR|= Narry Gewman and Anton on their winning short "Elements". Your Saxxy's on the way, guys!



Sep 23, 2011
Well, at least the replay winner was less than ten seconds.


L1: Registered
Sep 15, 2012
Saxxy Awards 2012

Well, the Saxxys are here!

And frankly, imo they are a little bit dissapointing this year, both in presentation and in content.

For starters, there are only five categories, and each of them only have four nominees. There isn't a melting port of genres to browse, and you can't see runners-up either. Maybe it's due to the fact that SFM can't handle as many niches as Replay (and work in SFM is more time-intensive), but I still feel hungry for more... stuff.

Speaking of replays, the quality in the replay category was terrible. All of it was unedited footage of the "I NEED MY 1K VIEWS ON YOUTUBE FOR THE HAT" filler quality. Seriously, what the heck happened?

I think VALVe may have tried to sell awards show formality to a fanbase that would rather have POOTIS and Rubberfruit and Spy Crabs and DEMOPAN, i.e. things that are humoristic and not necessarily drole.

tl;dr: Saxxys were dry and sukky, what gives? What do you guys think?

(maybe i'm just a crotchety old hag?)


Sep 11, 2013
Maybe I'm crochety too but yeah I agree. Only thing I am remotely glad to see there is Bad Medicine; everything else I disliked when I saw 3 months ago and dislike now. Oh well.

I was hoping this would show me some great SFM stuff and people to watch on YouTube, but instead I'm seeing the same 10 people I already knew about and largely disliked.
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Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
SFM is hard work though. If you dont know the program like the back of your hand, every second of video you produce has at least 10 minutes of work behind it. It's pretty ridiculous. And there's only so many hobby animators out there who are willing to learn the quirks of SFM.


Sep 23, 2011
I am just disappointed that none of my favorites were even nominees.


L9: Fashionable Member
Feb 27, 2012
Agreed with Yyler and Hanitizer. Even tough there were some great movies, the replays could have been edited better. SFM footage was hardly any better. Mainly because it is hard to make a good one, and its also very time-consuming.