Scouts and Snipers


L1: Registered
Jan 18, 2009
This is the culmination of hours of work on my first map. This has been beta tested extensively by my clan but I expect one more release.

The intel is in the center of the map. Take it to the other teams side and drop in the hole. sit back, and watch the pretty mess you made. Couple of pre-built sentries keep you busy and a teleporter is set up to take you to the sniper nest. The buildings are protected by a poison gas field that keep spawn campers away.

Have fun!


L1: Registered
Mar 7, 2009
i think its a little chaotic, not everybody likes to play scouts and snipers so you need oppurtunities for other classes to be useful in the field of battle, interesting concept though, it needs polishing does not look like alot of thought went into it.


L1: Registered
Jan 18, 2009
Thanks for the feedback. I wanted a map for my clan to play that forced you to play as scout or sniper, so that is intended.

Tons of thought went into this and about 300 dev hours. Please give me more information on what you think needs polishing. I wouldn't mind direct input.



Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
Since you want to make it scout and sniper only, you need to know what those classes wants.
Scout - wide spaces, alternative paths/escape routes, height, ambush possibilities.
Sniper - long range, clear view, safety, obstacles to hide behind.

Judging from your picture, it looks heavily in favor for snipers, Scouts can never get behind the enemy snipers, they must attack head-on. The snipers doesnt need to fear anything because they know nothing will pop up behind them. Meaning they can stand around and gladly charge their shots to instakill scouts with bodyshots.

It looks like a sniper map, but without bases and no barrier in the middle. I can't see any reason to play scout other than to cap the intel (to end the map!).


L1: Registered
Jan 18, 2009
I'd tell you to play it. We've been playing it for months and it is tough for Scouts but it has become a staple for us. It's very fun :)