
KotH Preposterous RC2


Aug 6, 2014
Real comparison screenshots of Preposterous B8 and the upcoming Preposterous RC1 after the lighting overhaul


Aug 6, 2014
So this is the first map I've made that's gotten all the way to RC1. I'm very excited, so... let's look at that changelog!

-Detailing is effectively complete.
-Added cubemaps.
-Added in a "pump status" system: screens around the map will show the team's pump systems depending on if they've captured the control point or not.
-Complete and total lighting overhaul. The map no longer looks like Call of Duty.
-Added nobuild to the towers so engineers can't build teleporters or sentries and camp the enemy team with basically no resistance.
-Added a cubby hole to the back area with some health.
-Added a small health pack to the top area to get people to spread out on that platform more.
-Cut the length of the spawn room's awning in half to make it easier for rocket jumping soldiers.
-Improved clipping.
-Altered the map's rock textures.
-Did a bit more optimization.
-Changed the pipes that go between the towers.
-Made railings not have any bullet collisions.
-Got rid of a weird looking brushwork railing and replaced it with a more standard railing.
-Made the map more better.

So yeah, like I said, I'm very excited to have finally gotten this far. I'll see you guys for the next one. But now, I think I'm gonna take a little break.

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