KotH pl


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 6, 2009
Here's my entry - the style I'm planning is Hydro-theme buildings with Offblast (?) style cliffs/etc. I'll fill this first post up with more shots as more layout gets done.
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L1: Registered
Jun 13, 2012
Do you think you could tell me how to make displacements like that? Mine is on a cliff-side so i'll have to make a metric butt-ton. It'd be much appreciated.


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 6, 2009
Do you think you could tell me how to make displacements like that? Mine is on a cliff-side so i'll have to make a metric butt-ton. It'd be much appreciated.

Hopefully this should help:

I originally found the 'cube' from a resource, but then somehow lost it... (and I also couldn't find it using the forum's search)

So I made my own:

Paste that brush from there into your map, then in the "Displacement Paint Geometry" window, set the Axis to "Face Normal".

Now if you alt + right-click on a face on my 'cube' you can distort the displacement in that direction... it really helps in getting nice curved cliffs. :)


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 6, 2009
A little more progress - I think the scale's a lot better than before now:


Here's where the first shot originally was:


I'll try to show much more progress in the next shots, for now you can get a better idea for how it'll look. Gameplay-wise I want it to feel fast and dynamic by giving each class a place where they can be 'most optimal', e.g. soldiers/scouts can easily jump up to the point (see first shot for an idea) whereas pyros & spies might want to take the more obscured route (see the doorway under the point in the 2nd shot).


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 6, 2009
More pics time...

I forgot to show in the shots before this, there's a stray pillar I added to make it interesting for jump classes. If it's too game-breaking or underused, I'll probably get rid of it. Any opinions on doing this? Or is it too early to make a definite call about it?

Below: Some detail, as a 'template' how I should detail the natural parts of the map. (I also just felt like doing some :p )


Above: Changed the layout here a bit... there's a room underneath the main point so I added some glass panels on the floor to make gameplay as a whole feel more connected.

Hopefully an A1 should be ready soon, just a bit more blocking out then sealing/clipping/etc :)


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 6, 2009
I think you should make that capture zone a lot shorter and wider, and remove the windows, they don't make any sense, have little gameplay implication and will only mess with vis structure
I agree with the capture zone, maybe it's a bit overkill on the left side. And the windows, yes but I think I'll keep the curved windows since all of those curved brushes are func_detailed (and thus won't make a difference to vis)
Thanks! :)