
pd_lunarbase A12


L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
- made distance between capture points much shorter
- shorten spawn timers
- redesigned spawns
- reduced size of capture point A slightly
- changed design of the capture zone of capture point B
- added tf_glow on capture points when active
- made low gravity area route more useful
- added soundscapes
- added fog

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
Thanks to everyone who play tested the map! the feedback was super helpful.

Players were having allot of fun in the low gravity area and some spent most of their time there. I might move a capture point in the low gravity area, as someone suggested. though not for this version.

I switch the letters of the 2 points, since most players were heading towards the point that has the low gravity area near it more often, so I renamed that CP A. Also the map layout seems to flow into that area more than the other point.

The 2 capture points still felt too far apart so again I made them closer to eachother and also tried to help streamline the routes to the points.

Added a deathpit around the low gravity area, though I want to make it that you drifting in the vastness of space somehow, but I'm not exactly sure how to implement that. if anyone has any suggests let me know :) So at the moment it is a deathpit with water.

I should make a post for this.. does anyone know if its possible to make ragdolls and as well demoman pipes react to low gravity?? It just seems inconsistent that they don't.

- Shorten distance between points.
- Changed name of CP B to CP A and vice versa.
- fixed announcer sound when points became available for capture.
- tf_glow works more consistently.
- added jump pads to get on high ground route to CP A.
- added grate texture to bridge on high ground route to CP A.
- added death pit to low gravity area.
- increased gravity slight in low gravity area (.2 to .3).

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
- Moved CP A to outside area with low gravity
- Added medium health pack under where CP A was before
- Added a black hole instead of water to outdoor death pit
- Blocked some long sightlines at CP B
- Added more signs
- Added more cows

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
- Fixed announcer voiceline so plays everywhere in the map.
- Changed hud icon from a down arrow to a lock when both CPs are locked
- Put up walls to stop long sightlines in route that leads to CP A
- Adjusted low gravity from .2 to .25
- Started texturing
- Minor detailing
- Added custom wormhole particle effect (made by Exactol)

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015

- Capture points open for longer amount of time. (30 to 45 seconds)
- Changed back gravity in low gravity area (.2 to .25)
- Adjusted clipping on computer towers to help with easier building placement
- Hopefully packed custom particle effect correctly this time

I think the biggest issue with the gameplay at the moment is the long distance between the 2 points. I feel the design around the points are interesting and have been playtesting well. Though, since the points flip flop every minute or so it makes the players have to run back and forth. Most people aren't too happy about having to travel so much and often tends to split up the teams.

I liked the distance between the points when CP A was in the indoor area, though its more fun to have CP A in the outdoors in the low gravity area, were it currently is. I am thinking that I might rework CP A to combine the low gravity in the indoor, and the outdoor area be a high risk health run. Though first I'm curious how it will playtest with the CPs being unlocked for longer amount of time.

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015

The outdoor low gravity area has offered allot of fun and has been a favorite area to mess around for players, but in this version I've decided to remove that area of the map. It was too much out of the way to get there and created a very far distance to travel between the 2 capture points. Plus players were focusing more on messing with the low gravity then playing the objective.

The low gravity isn't completely gone. I've moved CP A back to it's originally location indoors and set it up so that when the capture point is active the low gravity enables. The capture points setup like this in previous versions worked better due to the shorter distance.

Hope this is a good middle ground were players can still mess around in low gravity and also help their team with the map objective.

- Removed outdoor area.
- Moved CP A to original location.
- Low gravity zone enables at CP A when CP is active.
- Added airlocks when low gravity is enabled.
- Added custom voice lines for when low gravity zone enables and disables.
- Added death pit with medium health pack by CP A.
- Clipped solar panels and added some props by CP A.
- Made map look more like a spaceship by adding ship exhausts near CP A.
- Added ramps to height ground at CP B.
- Replaced small health pack with medium health pack near ship wheel by CP B.

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015

- Changed Point Per Player from 5 to 4 on tf_logic_player_destruction (amount of points to win [on full 24 player server] reduced from 125 to 96 points)
- Reduced capture point lock time from 30 to 25 seconds
- Reduced capture point unlocked time from 45 to 40
- Changed custom voice line to specify which capture point the low gravity zone is in
- Made some airlocks into CP A wider
- Moved jump pads further back to help prevent players from accidentally landing on them when jumping off of high ground
- More minor detailing
- Fixed clipping on door frames
- Added func_nobuild to stairs and ramps
- Added more cows to cow vortex

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
Played this in a imp the other day. Really fun map but could maybe use a 3rd point.
Hm another CP could be interesting. Maybe on the bridge between the points where the jump pads send you to. Though might get confusing for players to keep track of which capture point will unlock next.

The map with the 2 capture points did flow a lot better with shorter unlock/locked times in the latest version. So I’m going to keep it as it is for now.

What I want to work on is making CP B more interesting. I’m thinking I might make it a low gravity zone when it is unlocked as well, then have a death pit on the ceiling ? Idk I’m still brain storming ideas


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Hm another CP could be interesting. Maybe on the bridge between the points where the jump pads send you to. Though might get confusing for players to keep track of which capture point will unlock next.

The map with the 2 capture points did flow a lot better with shorter unlock/locked times in the latest version. So I’m going to keep it as it is for now.

What I want to work on is making CP B more interesting. I’m thinking I might make it a low gravity zone when it is unlocked as well, then have a death pit on the ceiling ? Idk I’m still brain storming ideas
I only suggest a 3rd point as the map feels a bit on the small side. There aren't a whole lot of spaces to go which can cause it to become repetitive. I'm not fully sold on the zero gravity idea just yet personally. It's interesting for one point but may become annoying to have to constantly deal with for both.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
- Change CP B so that when it enables it will have a low gravity zone like CP A
- Increased ceiling height at CP B
- Moved CP B capture zone to on top of a spire that is accessible by all class when low gravity enables
- Added walls to block sight lines at CP B
- Add shutter airlock doors to CP B that appear when capture point is enabled, like CP A
- Added custom voiceline for when CP B enables
- Fixed not symmetrical health / ammo pack placement
- Moved trigger_catapult for black hole back so players can get closer to the edge without getting sucked in
- Changed some door frames at CP A
- Fixed some clipping issues
- Added custom force field texture (by 200)
- Added custom rotating fan prop for jump pads (by Apom)

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015

- Changed CP B back to the way it was before, though keeping low gravity when point is enabled.
(Last version CP B was too easy to hold with a sentry placement on the high ground were the point was. During the rounds one team camped CP B hiding behind a strong sentry position and then the other team after struggling to push into CP B started camped CP A waiting for the other team. It made for some stale gameplay to say the least. CP B previous design that I’m going back to had a better back and forth game flow.)

- Changed look of jump pads
(Players were having a difficult time using the jump pads last version after I change the look of them. The main problem last version was players were jumping onto the jump pad face the opposite direction then pressing 'move backwards' while in air and loosing all their momentum. Just stopping dead in the air. Making the jump pad a ramp you walk onto that faces the info_target should help players not get confused using them)

- Removed shutter doors when low gravity is enabled, and replaced by a non solid force field texture.
(I've noticed players have been spamming the doorways more when shutter doors are active. It makes it difficult for players to push into the low gravity zones. Though having height advantage from jumping with low gravity also makes players spam doorways more. On the plus side the shutter doors do make for a good visual indication when the low gravity is active. Though I am testing out without shutter doors for this version to see which way plays better for the map.)

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015

- Disabled low gravity at capture point B this version
(Felt having low gravity at both points was too much and too much of a distraction. I liked how the map played better with having CP B without low gravity from previous versions)
- Optimization
- Made opening to black hole death pit larger
- Widen areas near both doorways to high ground by CP B
- Added custom voice lines for beginning of round and when CP B enables
- Adjusted some lighting
- Fixed some textures

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015

Came back to work on this map after several months of not touching it. Made allot of changes! Biggest of which being that I made CP A an outdoor low gravity area, similar to very early versions of the map. Having a dedicated low gravity area at all times did distract players from the map objective, though hopefully with the new design of the area and map in general it will find some balance.

Major Changes:
- Redesigned CP A to be outdoor low gravity area with elevated CP.
- Players that get sucked into the blackhole now drop satellites in playspace.
- Slight redesigned CP B with more ramps for more vertically gameplay space.
- Removed jump pads in middle bridge area, and replaced them with ramps and platforms that lead up to the bridge.
- Added custom hologram props on both CPs. (by Artesia https://tf2maps.net/downloads/3d-custom-holograms.549/)
- Holograms glow to help to show players the current enabled CP.
- Blocked off one of the routes to CP B.


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