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PD Prefab v3


Feb 14, 2010
I've updated the download to use a newer version of the prefab that should help with general team balancing on PD maps. It adds the 'trailing team has faster respawns' feature that pd_watergate was updated to use. I meant to add this earlier but to be honest I forgot.

@Diva Dan @Void @Mikroscopic @Anguish You guys might find this helpful for your current 72hour maps. Just see what differences there are between the logic entities and yours.

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Feb 14, 2010
The .zip now includes a separate .vmf version of 'pd_prefab_bigspawndiff.vmf'. This version has entities to support a dynamic respawn time change difference, which was pushed in today's (Smissmas) WG update of:
  • <50% difference in scores: 8s for leading team, 4s for trailing
  • >50% difference in scores: 12s for leading team, 0s for trailing
  • Equal scores: 6s for each team
The >50% difference in scores is also only set to enable after 20% of the max score has been reached.

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