Need to make some roock models

Oct 6, 2008

I have been going over the comments re: my map and have decided to relace the rocks - with the mining/rock models - or that sort of look.

The main reason for me wanting to do so is that none of the current models are large enough for my waterfall sequences. - If I can make a few huge models I can insert 1-2 models only and can decrease my entity count quite dramatically.

Does anyone have any idea what texture they used on the current rock models the have? I'd like ot go with consistency - my rocks to look like Valve's.

Does anyone have any tips for making a nice rounded feel to them? i.e. Sphere mixed into displacements? I've ben wondering how some of you have been getting nice rounded items in your model work.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
Grazr is right. Static props are...static and do not count towards the edict limit.