
MVM mvm_fiori b2 x2


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
mvm_fiori - Mvm gone Italy.

My entry to the mapper vs. machine contest (probably) - A Collaboration with Dasnvi.

included in download is the bsp, nav file and a pop. file.

Don't expect it to be good.

Thanks to the following for having good custom content up for use:
Powerup water - Tumbolisu
Santorini pack - Bakscratch
Frontline! 1.1 pack - Frontline team (will probably go more in-depth with this in the future)
Vineyard ivy - Dr.Spud
Overgrown asset pack - PEAR

Screenshots are in the overview tab - I cant upload them in this post for some reason, sorry. They are also in the big thing right above this post though so that's cool.
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You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
When you get the chance, increase the size of the water texture to something like 1 x 1 so it doesnt tile as much. Other than that, it looks pretty coolio.


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
When you get the chance, increase the size of the water texture to something like 1 x 1 so it doesnt tile as much. Other than that, it looks pretty coolio.

Oh yeah, rip forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder :)


Feb 7, 2008
I kinda dig the long entry area idea you have going, though I think you'll want to add more cover. Scout and Pyro specifically would appreciate some cover in this low area:


It seems like there's a lot of routes for bots to take, which is nice. However, they're all very different from another in terms of what advantages they afford the defenders, and as a result I think you'll have a hard time making them all play similarly. This route in the back particularly worries me:


I can see this back bridge working decently as a place to shoot at robots in the canal below (would be better if it was further forward) but I don't think it works as a bomb carrier route. I think the idea of having the routes be drastically different in how they play is nice, but if you want to try and leverage that, I would try and only have two or three different routes. You'll have an easier time balancing the map, and the players will have an easier time learning it.

The forward half of the map seems a lot more fun and interesting than the back half (near the bomb hole). I think this has to do with the map being less intricate and having less significant height advantages. This building is a decent area to hold, but only for the windows it looks out of:


If robots take either of the routes to the left, you have nothing left to use. If the robots take the route to the right, you have several pockets of height advantage to use. I'd try to make that central building more effective for defending the route directly to its left, and also maybe eliminate the far left route entirely (it gives robots a height advantage, is the shortest route from start to end, has uninterrupted views of the entire bomb hole area, and doesn't let players deal splash damage easily).

tl;dr: interesting ideas but deviates from The MvM Formula in ways that don't seem particularly meaningful


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
Many (if not all) the issues pointed out by idolon /should/ be fixed in this version, also gave some much needed love to the 2nd portion of the map.
I have removed two of the bomb paths leaving three remaining.

I have updated the screenshots on the OP

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professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
A bunch of a bunch has changed. fancy new lighting / skybox.
Not alllll the same texture anymore - only mostly the same now.
Some stuff has changed to be less boring.
The map is much muuuch bigger than before.

Ill update them screenshots for you.

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professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
fix to make bots work
a little detailing because i was bored
fixed some small things in nav, and some clipping
lightly changed geometry in bot dropdown zone based on suggestion from myself i think.

not loads changed visually so screenshots not updated sorry :(

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professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
Moved the bridges upwards so bots should have less difficulty walking underneath them.
Bot Spawns moved away from walls so that they do not get stuck.
Engineer teleporter locations moved away from walls so bots do not get stuck.
Nerfed the staircase of doom, though it may still be a tad strong of a holding position.
The small roof next to the staircase of doom is no longer a roof.
There is a new tank path that goes through the canal, then across the left side (from bots perspective).
The windows above the roof of the restaurant area have become a doorway and the roof area is no longer nobuilded.
The bomb bot paths through the middle section of the map should be more intuitive to know where they are going to go.
Lighting is now sunset as per request of Hydrogen.

There is an all new hatch area.

Screenshots here, and updated in OP.

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professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
Biggest and most important change: Fiori now has a (normal difficulty) pop file of its own, courtesy of @Dasnvi - so we dont have to play Broken Parts any more.

Other more boring changes:
-removed some white stripes on the floor in the middle of the map
-moved a hologram that was floating slightly
-did a clipping pass (much less / no things to get stuck running against anymore)
-The bridge in the dropdown area now looks less lame
-The water in the map is rotated 30 degrees to look more natural
-The lighting is slightly more orange, and the ambient slightly darker
-There are no longer more than 1 bus of the same number (as far as you can see)
- the traffic cones are now shootable client side instead of server side.
-The clocktowers time now more accurately reflects the lighting
-The busses now have nobuild on them
-There is no longer an env_sun in the map
-The tunnel has upgrade station signs to guide players towards the upgrade station there
-A table and a pillar at the restaurant have been removed so that bots no longer get stuck.
-The railing at the restaurant is no longer clipped
-Removed the flat bridge at the rubbish bins and moved the staircase there forwards
-The red respawnroom visualisers are now correctly aligned
-The brick staircase near the hatch is wider now
-The hatch area is notably bigger and more open now, though perhaps too small still
-The corridors of many shops are now wider
-Added many lights to the map so there is less gloomy shadow
-Nerfed the staircase of doom further
-Widened the forward building in the dropdown zone and made the entire zone longer so there now should be more comfortable holding positions.


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For A7, there is finally a popfile. It is aimed to be normal difficulty and lasts for a total of six waves. It should be noted that the water does not put out players on fire. Apparently, I missed applying MeleeOnly to pyros, so maybe we'll see Neon Annihilators in the future. Have fun fighting it out in the streets!

  • Normal Bots Include:
    • Florentine Fighter - Baby Face's Blaster scout with 150 health
    • Genoan Goon - Degreaser/Neon Annihilator pyro with 225 health
    • Metallic Milanese - Tomislav heavy with 325 health
    • Vicious Venetian - Air Strike soldier with 275 health and constant crits
  • Bosses Include:
    • tanks - 22500 health
    • Pyromaniacal Pompeian - Sharpened Volcano Fragment pyro with 3250 health and constant crits
    • Mantuan Major - Deflector heavy with 4250 health
  • Supports Include:
    • Pesky Pisan - Fortified Compound/Cleaner's Carbine sniper with 175 health
    • Sneaky Sicilian - Sharp Dresser spy with 100 health
  1. Wave 1 ($500) - Support is Sentry Busters
    1. 30 Florentine Fighters
    2. 15 Vicious Venetians
    3. 20 Genoan Goons
  2. Wave 2 ($550) - Support is Sentry Busters and Sneaky Sicilians
    1. 25 Vicious Venetians
    2. 40 Genoan Goons and 20 Metallic Milanese
  3. Wave 3 ($600) - Support is Sentry Busters, Sneaky Sicilians, and Pesky Pisan (Cleaner's Carbine)
    1. tank
    2. 25 Florentine Fighters and 25 Vicious Venetians
  4. Wave 4 ($650) - Support is Sentry Busters and Pesky Pisan (Fortified Compound)
    1. Pyromaniacal Pompeian with a Quick-Fix Medic
    2. 25 Florentine Fighters
    3. 20 Metallic Milanese and 10 Vicious Venetians
  5. Wave 5 ($650) - Support is Sentry Busters and Pesky Pisan (Fortified Compound)
    1. 15 Metallic Milanese
    2. 3 Pyromaniacal Pompeians with 3 Quick-Fix Medics
    3. 25 Florentine Fighters
  6. Wave 6 ($700) - - Support is Sentry Busters, Sneaky Sicilians, and Pesky Pisan (Cleaner's Carbine)
    1. 25 Florentine Fighters
    2. tank
    3. Mantuan Major with 3 Uber Medics
    4. 40 Genoan Goons (as Support)
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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
For some reason, once this pass this point:

The sky goes apeshit, like so:


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
Main thing, skybox should no longer go apeshit.

-Changed some clipping at the hatch to be easier to walk up
-Aligned the upper arches of red spawn with the bottom ones
-Nobuilded some crates that should have been nobuilded in the first place.

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professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
-normal difficulty .pop file changes and improvements
-Now includes a bot named 'Bolognese Bomber' which I find hilarious

-Fixed up nav to not suck hopefully.
-There are more holograms at the dropdown zone.
-Added a fence thing to show a clipped off area of the map
-Made the bridge at the dropdown look less lame again.
-Changed geometry at dropdown slightly.
-Tank spawns much further forward now.
-Bot visualisers are more correct now.

-Fixed the red spawn thing that hydrogen keeps bugging me about. Probably.

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Star Bright

L2: Junior Member
Jan 4, 2016
Pssst. Psssssssssst.
Your popfiles crash the whole entire map as they are now.
Get rid of the #base robot_x things in your template file, otherwise it recursively calls itself until the map crashes.