Mapping Idea's No Skill



Hey all, I have several mapping ideas but I have tried hammer before and it doesn't work for me so im acctually looking for a partner to work with, I think of maps and ideas, we talk and then whoever I work with does there best to make them aswell as there own ideas, I am also looking for a team within this community for this.

If you interested please post here and let me know.


L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
You should learn hammer, its not that hard, once you get the basics, you just make small test rooms for lights etc, and if you get what every light does you make it in your map...

I think every mapper wants to build his own idea so I don't know if you will find a good soul around here that wants to "work" with you :)


Like I said, I tried it and it didn't work for me, I understand that every mapper wants to try out his own idea but im just saying this cause previously some mappers I have met have had no ideas or even inspiration and I would just like to meet then and see if they like what I have to offer and possibly try it... im not saying to completely dedicate all there time to the map.


Oct 25, 2007
I have poor ideas so I just port old maps usually. Every once in a while I'll get some inspiration, but I'm kind of closeminded when it comes to these things. I think it's mostly because I can think of things, but they're too farfetched to ever work :p My BS filter is pretty strict when it comes to fortress gameplay, hehe.