help with wheel of doom



i'm making an halloween resksin of an map that you might have seen tested before. i have an wheel of doom setup and one of the things that could happen it that everyone does the thriller while everyone is in an line. i set up info_targets with the name dance_teleport"team"any number from 0 to 15" when the wheel of doom gets the thriller one nobody gets teleprted there


The pattern for the info_targets is dance_teleport_[team][0-15]. Example: dance_teleport_blue0, dance_teleport_red15.
Edit: There should be 32 info targets all in all, 16 for each team named sequentiall from 0 to 15.
why 16 if there is 0-15. what is the 16th called. i also did dance_teleport_blu
edit:ah i found it two info targets where named blue 15