
MVM Helix B2a


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Helix - A map set in an adobe village with a helix shape

Helix is a map where robots land in two completely different landing zones, labeled A and B and signed accordingly. The goal of this layout is to divide teams across the whole map, making players rely on good individual efforts or strong 2/3 player bonds.

Below is an (outdated) screenshot of how the paths work and where each drop zone is.


BenCo: Bomb hatch area, spawns
HolySnickerPuffs: Landing zones, clipping, game logic, pop file
Diva Dan: Core layout, theme, original concept

We hope you enjoy!



(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
This map already has a thread, but the poster is out of town for the next week. So, I created a new thread to post the update.

~~Helix A2 Changelog~~
- Created a new popfile! You can now complete the mission. (Please note the waves 2 and 5 do not work. This shall be fixed soon)
- Fixed the robots in Landing Zone B not spawning in their designated room
- Removed the A tank entrance
- Moved the B tank entrance. No tanks spawn in the mission, so this shall be removed next update.
- Fixed bomb hatch.
- Added a carrier tank
- Added an easter egg.
- Numerous minor changes/fixes (func_detailing, optimizing out-of-bounds props)

This map is still a work in progress, so please report any issues you find so we can fix them!
Last edited:


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Special thanks to @Hydrogen, @BenCo, and the 'Potato's Custom MvM Servers' Group for helping me with this update! I really appreciate it!

Screenshots will get their own post, because this changelog is HUGE!

(P.S. to BenCo - I beat you to the compile this time, huh?)

~~Map Changelog~~

- Lowered the "B" dropzone by 128hu. BLU now has much less of a height advantage
- Extended BLU respawn rooms. The no longer attack before on the field.

- Slighty reworked the "A" and "B" dropzones
- Added some more signs to help guide player to each dropzone.
- Moved around some pre-existing signs to be less confusing
- Made the interior of the tank cave at "B" much larger.
- Nobuilt the rocks near the "B" dropzone
- Added a forward upgrade station by the "A" dropsite. One shall be added to the "B" dropsite soon
- Added some detail, mainly around the "A" dropsite.
- Reduced lighting in the easter egg room because it was too bright
- Clipped some stairs and props at playtester's requests.
- Fixed the multi-bomb problem by having the bomb start "somewhere else"
- Fixed spawndoors
- Added tank path
- Fixed stalemate on fail
- Fixed trigger_hurt not functioning properly
- Fixed respawnroom visualizers
- Added broken hatch model upon explosion (wave fail in other words)

~~Mission Changelog~~

~Wave 1~
- Replaced Major Crits with a 25000 health Tank (Gives 600 cash on destruction)
- Captain Conch's dropped currency has been lowered to 200 (From 500)
- Spaceman have been renamed to "Spaceman Pyro" to include it's class name
- Spaceman Pyro's fire rate bonus has been removed (was 30% faster)
- Spaceman Pyro's damage penalty was removed (was 50% less)
- Spaceman Pyro now spawn in the "A" spawn, instead of the "B" spawn

~Wave 2~
- Increased Support Engineer's primary cooldown to 15 seconds (from 2 seconds)
- Removed Pyro Pusher's "AlwaysCrit" attribute
- Increased number of Pyro Pushers to 35 (from 30)
- Replaced the custom "Super Fan Scout" with an official Valve version
- Removed the Giant Medic

~Wave 3~
- Removed all non-hat consmetics from all Heavy robots
- Lowered amount of Heavy robots to 12 per type (from 16 per type)
- Increased Giant Burst Fire Demo's health to 7500 (from 6500)

~Wave 4~
- Removed the Giant Medic
- Increased number of Rapid Fire Bowman to 4 (from 1). Spawn in groups of 2

~Wave 5~
- Reduced Rocket Spam Trio's move speed bonus to 50% (from 150%). Was reduced for testing, but is now official.
- Reduced Rocket Spam Trio's fire rate bonus to 35% (from 50%)

~Wave 6~
- Removed Bully Scout's "AlwaysCrit" attribute
- Removed Cabron's "AlwaysCrit" attribute
- Removed Dios Del Fuego's "AlwaysCrit" attribute
- Added "AlwaysCrit" attribute to Oso Ruso
- Increased Cabron's difficulty to "Hard" (From "Easy")
- Reduced Oso Ruso's damage bonus to 35% (from 150%)

Read the rest of this update entry...


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Screenshots are in the "Spoiler" tab below!


Also, since I forgot to put it in the changelog, there are some known bugs with this new update. The first one is rather minor. The new forward upgrade station disables at the start of every round, and re-enables at the end of the round. The visual cue for this (a shutter that closes off the bar from the rest of the map) is broken, and doesn't re-open when the wave starts. Luckily, the upgrade station is still open, and upgrades can still be purchased. The next issue is that the "A" sign at the "A" dropsite is missing. This shall be fixed in the next update. The final issue is with the tank. If the tank reaches the bomb hatch, it will fall through and not explode. It can then only be attacked through the small hole in the hatch. Destroy it quickly so this does not happen!


MvM Maniac
Apr 5, 2017
I think I told you about the tank problem in the group chat the other day - you might have missed it.

See the following (taken from most Valve pop files):

            Name "wave02b"
            TotalCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 25
            TotalCurrency 300
                Target boss_spawn_relay // logic_relay that is triggered when the first tank spawns in
                Action Trigger
                Name "tankboss"
                Health 40000
                Speed 75
                StartingPathTrackNode boss_path_a1 // you have to specify this or else the server will pick a random path
                    Target boss_dead_relay // logic_relay that is triggered when the tank is killed (I don't think many maps do anything with this? I'm not so sure myself.)
                    Action Trigger
                    Target boss_deploy_relay // logic_relay that is triggered when the tank drops the bomb - you want to force wave failure here
                    Action Trigger

Those "Target" are logic_relay entities that your map should have. (The population manager is an entity much like everything else on your map - it too can emit outputs and accept inputs like control points, capture zones, payload carts, and other entities can. You just specify the input-output logic in the pop file instead of in hammer.)

As for the tank crashing through the hatch, you most likely put the last path_track entity too far into the hatch, so the tank just clipped right through it. Move it back a bit so the tank stops right at the edge of the hatch.

If you address these two issues, tanks should work the way you would expect them to.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
~~ Map Changelog ~~
- Fixed "A" forward upgrade station's door not working
- Detailed around "A"
- Detailed around "B"
- Detailed the back RED spawn (The Bar, aptly named "El agobiante adicción al alcohol")
- Fixed issue of the "A" sign at the "A" dropsite not rendering
- Made the light brighter by changing the sun angle
- Attempted optimization by wildly throwing hint brushes around
- Simplified "A" dropsite's geometry
- Added a second upgrade station at "B"
- Added 2 new doorways to remove sightlines
- Added a 3D skybox (Thanks, @Diva Dan!)
- Optimized some props

~~ Mission Changelog ~~

- Added "_intermediate" to the end of the mission file name to show the mission's difficulty
- Replaced Wave 1 with Wave 4, and vice-versa

~~ Wave 1 (Previously Wave 4) ~~
- Reduced number of Rapidfire Bowman Snipers to one (was originally 4)
- Reduced number of Delivery Scouts to 48, or 24 of each type (Was 60, or 30 each type)

~~ Wave 2 ~~
- Engineer robots no longer build teleporters when they spawn in

~~ Wave 3 ~~
- Heavy Swarm now starts immediately when the wave starts, instead of waiting for 2 seconds
- Heavy Swarm now takes 6 seconds to respawn (from 4)

~~ Wave 4 (Previously Wave 1) ~~
~ Lowered the tanks health to 17500 (from 25000)

~~ Wave 5 ~~
- Reduced Sergent Crits' health to 15000 (from 35000)
- Removed Sergent Crits' reload rate bonus (was 60% faster)
- Reduced Sergent Crits' clip size bonus to +3 (from +7)
- Reduced Sergent Crits' projectile speed bonus to 75% (from 130%)
- Fixed Burst Demo's accidental speed debuff

~~ Wave 6 ~~
- Bully Scouts now spawn in groups of 4 (from 5)
- Bully Scouts now spawn evey 10 seconds (from 15)
- Lowered Bully Scouts' health to 275 (from 350)

Read the rest of this update entry...


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Like last time, the screenshots are getting their own post.


All major problems with the map have been fixed! Unfortunately, this statement excludes the issues with tanks, as those are still present. Luckily, thanks to @Hydrogen, we know how to fix these problems, and they'll be fixed in the next version (we mean it this time).


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
~~Map Changlelog~~
- Readded the second bomb because the playtesters were freaks that demanded a challenge.
- Fixed tanks not ending the wave when they drop the bomb
- Fixed tanks falling through the hatch
- Added a chicken wire cover over the bomb hole
- Began detailing, starting with the "B" dropsite and RED spawn.
- Added a new balcony for Engineers at "B" which is accessible via a box jump. This spot should be very useful when fighting tanks.
- Added observer points

~~Mission Changelog~~
- Most robots now have randomized spawnpoints. Some bosses and support classes do not have this change applied to them

~~ Wave 1 ~~

- Increased the number of Pyros that spawn to 24 (from 10)
- Increased the amount of money that the Pyros drop to 300 (from 100)
- Reduced the amount of money that the Rapidfire Bowman drops to 200 (from 400)
- RPJr Demomen no longer ignore the bomb, although they still can't pick it up
- RPJr Demomen now deal 6x normal damage (from 3x)
- Reduced number of RPJr Demomen that spawn to 1 (from 2)

~~ Wave 2 ~~
- The Mecha Engineers now wears a poncho and a sombrero because I find that hilarious

~~ Wave 3 ~~
- All Heavies in the "Heavy Swarm" now go after the bomb
- Fat Scout Heavies are now normal sized (from 15% smalled, or 85% total size)
- Fat Scout Heavies now have 200 health (from 175)
- Fat Scout Heavies now use a shotgun (from GRU)
- Added a stock melee Heavy to the Heavy Swarm, bringing the total number of heavy robots to 60 (from 48)

~~ Wave 5 ~~
- Replaced Sergeant Crits with a weaker, non-crit version named "Sergeant Spam" (12500 Hp)
- Increased number of Burst Fire Demomen to 45 (from 15) that spawn in groups of 7 (from 5)

~~ Wave 6 ~~
- Bosses now spawn one at a time, starting with Cabron Scout, then Dios Del Fuego Pyro, then finally Oso Ruso Heavy
- Added a 20k Tank that spawns alongside Oso Ruso

Read the rest of this update entry...


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Guess what's getting it's own post again? That's right! Screenshots, baby!


What I said last time rings even more true now. All major issue have been fixed! Only a minor bug remains, and it was created when updating the map. The ammo/health packs on the "B" structure are missing. Also, so I don't forget, the "B"-side "Sniper Room" needs pickups.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
~~Map Changelog~~
- Bombs no longer reset after a period of time
- Detailed as much as time allowed us.
- Added a normal difficulty mission, named "Adobe Assault".
- A write-up of both this and the intermediate mission "Desert Destruction" will be available soon.
- Other changes

~~Intermediate Mission Changelog~~
- Reduced starting cash to 800 (from 1000)
- Sentry Busters now spawn after 50 sentry kills
- Added two robots at the start of Waves 1, 3, and 5 that spawn at both side simultaneously, each with a bomb. They drop no cash.
- (Wave 1 - Type 1 and 2 Delivery Scouts) (Wave 3 - Deflector Heavys) (Wave 5 - Burst Fire Demos)

~Wave 1~
- Pyros and Delivery Scouts now spawn 2 seconds later
- Added a group of new robots, called "Jaguar Scouts", that spawn alongside Bowman Rapidfire Sniper. (16 bots/100 total cash)
- Reduced the Pyros' total dropped currency to 200 (from 300)
- Reduced the Delivery Scouts' total dropped currency to 400 (from 600)
- Removed the RPJr Demoman

~Wave 2~
- Increased the time before Super Scout spawns to 5 seconds (from 3 seconds)
- Pyro Pushers now spawn when the wave begins (from waiting 10 seconds)
- Increased the time between Super Scout spawns to 15 seconds (from 10 seconds)
- Reduced the Super Scouts' total dropped currency to 300 (from 600)
- The Giant Deflector Heavy now waits until all Super Scouts are dead to spawn (from all Pyro Pushers spawned)
- Increased the time before Giant Deflector Heavy spawns to 15 seconds (from 5 seconds)
- Added a group of Shotgun Heavies that spawn after all Super Scouts are dead. (24 bots/200 total cash)

~Wave 3~
- Fat Scout Heavies no longer crit
- Removed Expert Heavy's damage buff (was +50% bonus)
- Reduced the time between Heavy Swarm spawns to 4 seconds (from 6)

~Wave 4~
- Increased Captain Conch's health to 4500 (from 1500)
- Captain Conch now uses a Disciplinary Action, instead of a Shovel
- Reduced the Spaceman Pyros' total dropped currency to 200 (from 400)
- Changed the Spaceman Pyros' icon to a flaregun to better represent their weapon of choice
- Added a group of Desert Heat Pyros (flamethrowers with shorter and more damaging afterburn) that spawn alongside Spaceman Pyros. (24 bots/200 total cash)
- RPJr Demomen are now support robots
- Increased maximum number of RPJr Demomen out at one time to 3 (was 2)
- RPJr Demomen can now be backstabbed

~Wave 5~
- The Burst Fire Demomen now spawn before Rocket Spam Trio
- The Rocket Spam Trio no longer picks a random spawn, and spawns exclusively at "B"
- Added a group of "FAN-Tastic Scouts" (Force-a-Nature Scouts) that act as support throughout the entire wave

Read the rest of this update entry...


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Once again, screenshots will get their own post. However, since I forgot to make them earlier, I'll make them tomorrow. For now, get this placeholder post. What fun.

In other news, this map is now complete! Well, it's as complete as the contest will allow. We (@Diva Dan, @BenCo, and Myself) may come back to this map after the contest ends to fix any remaining issues, but that's still up in the air right now.

It's been fun working on this map, but now that time has come to a close. Hopefully we can work on this again soon. Wish us luck.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
We were allowed to post this one final update for the contest.

~~Map Changelog~~
- Added cubemaps
- Fixed a small bug with the hatch chicken wire

Read the rest of this update entry...