
PL Dunno _a18


Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
Dunno - Drop the payload into the Nickelodeon Slime Pit!

Dunno is my first real TF2 map in a long time. Hopefully it's good.
The Mercenaries were warped here by some magician (I think he's Soldier's roommate) and now they are forced to fight over the Legendary Nickelodeon Slime Pit™!


Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
I didn't change much with this update since I missed the test for the last version and there was no demo for me to watch.

  • Updated lights in certain areas to be brighter
  • Changed the route that opened up after B was captured to be a straight forward spawn since a lot of people didn't realize that the route was even there at all.
  • Removed the ability to stand on the crane crate
  • Added back some cover that I removed for some reason?? I didn't even realize it was gone until playtesters pointed out the big sightlines.

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Feb 7, 2008
The map seems too long. I haven't measured the push times, so I don't know to what extent, but here's a quick suggestion on how to shorten the map:



Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
I don't think the problem is necessarily that its too long but that the points don't play very well to the length of the map. It's like a Badwater length map yet the distances between each point are fairly long. I might actually extend the map slightly to include an additional point without stepping on the toes of the other points, which was a problem before as the map did actually have 4 points with an average amount of distance between each, but the points were stepping on each other's toes. Thank you for the feedback though, it's very good.


Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • Changed flank route at the indoor part of B, should hopefully make the point more interesting and less abusable by RED
  • Moved B back to the courtyard area to hopefully even out the distance between the points
  • Removed the window where B used to be
  • More lights to brighten up dark areas
  • New corridor at the far entrance of the RED spawn to let RED rotate more safely, should help them defend the point better.

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • I widened B a lil bit and changed a few entrances. If I can't make this point work through that then I'm probably just gonna have to rip it out
  • Hallway entrance in the main building at A removed, RED was using it to flank BLU more than BLU was using it to flank RED
  • Reduced spawn times for RED, I don't know why they were so high
  • Added a window and cover at C so BLU has a few more ways to push in.

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • Changed the flank that red was abusing to be a drop down for BLU team
  • Re-added the flank in the main building at A, I feel like removing it limited BLU's options too much, I might change it if its a problem again
  • Extended and added a new entrance to the building opposite the point at A, should help it become more of an option for BLU.
  • Added a new route at B from the indoor section to the outdoor courtyard. I'm worried it won't be good enough but it'll help BLU take control of the courtyard if they manage to push through the indoor section
  • Added a route between B and C that will make it so BLU doesn't have literally one option to approach C.
  • Added a lil bit of detail
  • Changed a few pickups to be smaller to reduce engineer power

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • i fixed the same fucking pixel walk on the crane crate. dont worry im sure someone will find a new one
  • im trying to fix respawn timers being literally like 30 seconds wtf???
I just didn't get a very good test so i made a few small changes and then its going right back on that damn bot

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • New route into C that's safer to go into but is hard to push through.
  • Widened the whole area by about 256 Hu: this should hopefully make spam easier to avoid and make the area feel less cramped
  • Changed the old flank that kinda sucked, I removed the balcony and instead added cover and a window, and a new drop down into the the fence area. Added significantly more cover to the pathway into the window route.
  • Changed BLU's forward spawn, it now has a few more entrances out and shouldn't be able to spawn camped by cringe little snipers.
  • The change to BLU's forward spawn also added a shutter door to one of the side flanks on B, which will hopefully help BLU attackers be safer from sightlines.
  • Changed all the nodraw under the map to be more accurate to the displacements, I'm pretty sure this maybe might help a little with the optimization or something???????? (it caused a million leaks)

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • Almost entirely redesigned B! The area is more open and interesting and features a delay mechanic in the form of a bridge. Hopefully this helps RED hold B better.
  • The indoor section of C has 2 extra routes sandwiched in, the first in just a small opening underneath the drop down that gives BLU some cover to approach with, or opens up a sneaky sentry spot for RED. The second route will weaken sentries that are set up outside the exit, as it provides a sightline and a medkit.
  • frog added. DM me on discord if you find him

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • New flanking route on B into the connecting room with the shutter door
  • New room on B where i moved some pickups cuz I thought it'd be nice
  • Removed the down-under flank on C, it was stupid.

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • New stairs path for BLU to use to get into the flank on C safely.
  • Changed pickups on B a bit.
  • Fixed a sightline on C by giving more cover to the main RED spawn exit.
  • New cover at RED last spawn to prevent crack sightline.
  • Re-added a point from the A1 to prevent C from being such a gauntlet: in doing so I adjusted the amount of time BLU gets from capping each point.

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • gave another path between the high and low ground routes on C
  • Changed the shutter door on B to open permanently after A is capped so that the route isn't a free flank.
  • fixed a cracked sightline (fuck off doom stop abusing it)
  • made the drop down route on C shorter to reduce the crampedness of the indoor section.

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • removed the entrance to B in the main building at A and changed that to a route that bypasses the cart. RED was holding long after A should've been lost because of that route allowing RED to go around the back of the cart path.
  • removed a path into one of the flanks in B and removed the shutter door
  • Moved red's first spawn
  • lil bit of detailing

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Server Staff
Apr 15, 2018
  • New routing at B: BLU sided path to the high ground and no way into the high ground without stepping into BLU territory if they've taken the slime room.
  • New route in the small room on B to compensate for BLU losing an entrance when I removed the cross high ground path.
  • Re-added a path between the flanks in the slime room and the courtyard at B
  • Changed the rock cover at A: there's less of it but its still there. Also added a nobuild brush on one of the roofs at A. These changes are mostly to gauge if I should push further in this direction before I commit.
  • Added a walkway across the slime outside of the first RED spawn during setup time.
  • Extended BLU's spawn building at A to block a sightline.
  • Changed pickups throughout the map
  • Gave the first timer 30 extra seconds, now BLU has 4 minutes to cap the first point.

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