Despair Heights

KotH Despair Heights rc0c_w

a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- Replaced some deathpits with buildings
- Added a new way onto the point
- Reduced the scale of the map
- Slightly changed the layout
- Raised the ceiling of the area under the point and made it brighter, also changed the health pack to a medium one
- Added a few props and fixed a collision problem
- Made the water inside the courtyards slightly deeper
- Fixed two sightlines
- Reduced the time it takes to capture the point
- Reduced the amount of chickenwire on the map

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- Removed the route under the point. Replaced it with a dead end that has a small health pack
- Removed the ledge that was inside the building in the middle route
- Changed the layout a bit. It's easier to gain access to the high ground ledge from the courtyards
- Spawns are a bit smaller
- Added more railings to the death pit areas
- Changed the pickups a bit
- Fixed a sight line
- Added a few props and overlays

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- The spawn courtyards are less wide
- Changed the layout of the spawn rooms
- Changed the layout of the route to the right and left of spawn
- Changed the texture of the waters
- Increased the height of all walls
- Adjusted displacements
- Adjusted the walls that cover the point
- Other minor changes

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- Added an opening inside the route that is to the left of spawn; in order to make it shorter
- Changed the rocks at mid to brushes; so that people can't stand on them
- Added rocks to the right and left of the control point in order to add more cover
- Slightly Adjusted the cover on the control point
- Changed the layout of the flank route to the right of the courtyards
- The control point is on a slightly lower ground
- Added more railings to the deathpit areas
- Added a rock in the spawn...

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- Reduced the size of all courtyards, excluding mid
- Adjusted the layout of mid
- Removed one of the death pit areas
- Removed and adjusted some pickups
- Removed the rock inside of the spawn courtyards
- Changed the rock props inside each team's courtyards
- Made most doorways taller
- Other minor changes

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- Adjusted mid's layout and scale
- Changed the layout of the deathpits
- Added a new flank route
- Adjusted the spawn rooms and spawn courtyards
- Added a new route inside the courtyards in order to make switching between routes easier
- Made the courtyards simpler
- Attempted to make the map less chokey
- Added a window in each team's courtyard
- Adjusted pickups
- Increased the respawn times
- Made all walls a bit shorter
- Other minor changes

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- Added a new high ground over the point
- Changed the roof on top of the point
- Added a small route to the left in the courtyards in order to make pushing through that part easier
- Adjusted the death pit area
- Adjusted the mid flank
- Small adjustments to the courtyards
- Made the courtyard before the point longer as an attempt to make it less cramped
- Made the area outside of spawn shorter
- Removed the chicken wire in the tunnel below the point
- Removed nobuild from the water...

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- Added a new building route that is connected to the spawn transit area at the right and the death pit
- Adjusted the courtyard before mid; mainly made it less messy and easier to traverse
- Reduced the length of area before mid; increased the length of the transit areas outside of spawn in compensation
- Adjusted area outside of spawn to make it less boring
- Slightly adjusted death pit area
- Put a small crate prop on the high ground over the point so it's easier for classes to reach...

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a freakin' knight

L2: Junior Member
Jul 6, 2019
*Confused Cat Noises* updated Despair Heights with a new update entry:


- Added a staircase outside the tunnel area in order to make rotations back to the point faster
- Removed the ceiling on the point; added extra walls in compensation to block some sightlines
- Elevated the ground below the medium health pack in the tunnel area
- Made the capture zone slightly larger
- Changed the full ammo pack at the deathpit area to a medium
- Reduced the amount of health packs around the map
- Clipping fixes

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